Crisis-Free Millennium Spreads Around the Globe

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人类已经跨入了新的千年。我在网上读到这篇文章,仍然心潮起伏。本文全景式地扫描世界各地在迎接新千年的到来时所呈现的狂欢一刹那。一句写一地,文采斐然,字里行间,透出磅礴气势。 莫斯科人最浪漫:…stranger kissed stranger in Red Square. 菲律宾人最不幸:…where three people were killed and about 200 injuredby firecrackers and gunfire. 纽约时代广场最具吸引力:Zlatka Petrova,22,who saved for months totravel from the Bulgarian(保加利亚的)town of Gocedelchev to New York’sTimes Square. 中国的长城最壮观:At the Great Wall of China,revelers(饮酒狂欢者)litup the clear night skies with fireworks and dragon dancers… 当人们以前所未有的快乐心情走进2000年之后,此前许多对我们这个世界是否会安然度过世纪之交的担忧也随之烟消云散。然而,一些争论仍在继续,电脑“千年虫”问题就是其中之一。 一年多之前,曾有专家预言——1999年岁末之际,世界各地的消费者将把食品店的提款机掠扫一空,管理人类生活的计算机将由于“千年虫”猖獗而陷于瘫痪,人们将在黑暗和寒冷中度过新千年之夜。然而,除了几段有惊无险的“小插曲”之外,噩梦最终并未成真。 据匡算,全世界为对付“千年虫”问题 Humanity has entered the new millennium. I read this article on the Internet, still ups and downs. This article is a sweeping scan of the carnival moments around the world as we celebrate the arrival of the new millennium. A sentence to write one, literary grace, between the lines, revealing majestic momentum. The most romantic in Moscow: ...stranger kissed stranger in Red Square. Filipinos most unfortunately:...where three people were killed and about 200 injuredby firecrackers and gunfire. New York Times Square is the most attractive: Zlatka Petrova, 22,who saved for months to travel From the Bulgarian (Bulgaria) town of Gocedelchev to New York’s Times Square. The Great Wall of China is the most spectacular: At the Great Wall of China, revelers (drinking revelers) litup the clear night skies with fireworks and dragon dancers... Unprecedented joyful mood After entering the year 2000, many worries about whether our world will survive the turn of the century have disappeared. However, some controversies continue, and the “Y2K bug” problem with computers is one of them. More than a year ago, experts predicted that by the end of 1999, consumers all over the world would sweep away the cash machines in food stores. Computers that manage human life would be paralyzed by the “millennium bug”. People will spend the new millennium night in darkness and cold. However, the nightmare didn’t come true, except for a few “impossible” episodes. According to the calculations, the whole world is dealing with the “millennium bug” problem.
两个哥伦拜恩高中的情侣周一(情人节)一早被发现被枪击而亡。地点在当地一家生意兴隆的三明治店,该店离学校仅两个街区,该学校是1999年导致15人丧生的校园喋血案的所在。 T
20 0 0年我省中考改革试验区 (太原市、阳泉市 )英语试题是在省招生考试管理中心组织下 ,遵照国家教育部《关于 2 0 0 0年初中毕业、升学考试改革指导意见》和原省教委对初中
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Traveling has its allure for many romantic souls, myself included. It allows us towatch, listen, and reflect on all we see outside of ourselves-other lands, pe
据国家环保局、农业部统计,我国每年仅一次性塑料饭盒及各种产品和泡沫包装就多达5000 多万吨,田间的农膜达800万吨,加上其他废弃的塑料达亿吨以上,而回收率还达不到20%。因此