认清形势 把握重点 狠抓落实──自治区副主席王汉民在区经贸委机关干部大会上的讲话(摘要)

来源 :广西经贸 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:icanfly316
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进一步认清经贸工作面临的新形势 认识和把握当前的形势,对做好今年的工作 至关重要。从全球经济形势和全国经济形 势来看,几个大的重要因素已经影响或制约着我们整个工作的走势。一是经济全球一体化进程越来越快。二是科学技术的发展加快推动着整个经济的增长越来越快。三是 A better understanding of the new situation the economy and trade face and understanding of the current situation are of crucial importance for this year’s work. Judging from the global economic situation and the national economic situation, several major and important factors have affected or constrained the trend of our entire work. First, the process of economic globalization is getting faster and faster. Second, the acceleration of the development of science and technology has pushed the growth of the entire economy faster and faster. Three is
在本次论坛上做报告的还有全国人大财经委委员陆百甫、于祖尧,中国人民大学教授邓荣霖,国务院发展研究中心宏观部部长米建国博士、社会科学院研究员盛洪。 Prof. Lu Baifu,
FRACTURESTRENGTHOFWCCoALLOYS①CaoShunhuaPowderMetalurgyNationalLaboratory,CentralSouthUniversityofTechnology,Changsha410083AB... FRACTURESTRENGTHOFWC CoALLOYS①CaoSunhuaPowderMetalurgyNationalLaboratory, CentralSouthUniversityofTechnology, Changsha410083A
AIM:To investigate the distribution and expressionof C-type natriuretic peptide(CNP)/natriuretic peptide receptor B(NPR-B) in the rectum of a rodent depression
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前些年,广西开始了经济结构调整,结构调 整的各种措施和政策开始显现成效。但 是,还应该看到,结构调整是一个长期的、艰巨的战略任务,调整工作中还有许多亟待解决而没有解决好的问