Nano-LC-ESI MS/MS analysis of proteins in dried sea dragon Solenognathus hardwickii and bioinformati

来源 :Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lhdbbc
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The sea dragon Solenognathus hardwickii has long been used as a traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of various diseases, such as male impotency. To gain a comprehensive insight into the protein components of the sea dragon, shotgun proteomic analysis of its protein expression profiling was conducted in the present study. Proteins were extracted from dried sea dragon using a trichloroacetic acid/acetone precipitation method and then separated by SDS-PAGE. The protein bands were cut from the gel and digested by trypsin to generate peptide mixture. The peptide fragments were then analyzed using nano liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry(nano-LC-ESI MS/MS). 810 proteins and 1 577 peptides were identified in the dried sea dragon. The identified proteins exhibited molecular weight values ranging from 1 900 to 3 516 900 Da and p I values from 3.8 to 12.18. Bioinformatic analysis was conducted using the DAVID Bioinformatics Resources 6.7 Gene Ontology(GO) analysis tool to explore possible functions of the identified proteins. Ascribed functions of the proteins mainly included intracellular non-membrane-bound organelle, non-membrane-bounded organelle, cytoskeleton, structural molecule activity, calcium ion binding and etc. Furthermore, possible signal networks of the identified proteins were predicted using STRING(Search Tool for the Retrieval of Interacting Genes) database. Ribosomal protein synthesis was found to play an important role in the signal network. The results of this study, to best of our knowledge, were the first to provide a reference proteome profile for the sea dragon, and would aid in the understanding of the expression and functions of the identified proteins. The sea dragon Solenognathus hardwickii has long been used as a traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of various diseases, such as male impotency. To gain a comprehensive insight into the protein components of the sea dragon, shotgun proteomic analysis of its protein expression profiling was conducted in the present study. Proteins were extracted from dried sea dragon using a trichloroacetic acid / acetone precipitation method and then separated by SDS-PAGE. The protein bands were cut from the gel and digested by trypsin to generate peptide mixture. The peptide fragments were then analyzed using nano liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (nano-LC-ESI MS / MS). 810 proteins and 1 577 peptides were identified in the dried sea dragon. The identified proteins showed molecular weight values ​​ranging from 1 900 to 3 516 900 Da and pI values ​​from 3.8 to 12.18. Bioinformatic analysis was conducted using the DAVID Bioinformatics Resources 6.7 Gene Ontology (GO) analysis tool to e xplore possible functions of the identified proteins. Ascribed functions of the proteins mainly include intracellular non-membrane-bound organelle, non-membrane-bounded organelle, cytoskeleton, structural molecule activity, calcium ion binding and other Furthermore, possible signal networks of the identified proteins were predicted using STRING (Search Tool for the Retrieval of Interacting Genes) database. Ribosomal protein synthesis was found to play an important role in the signal network. The results of this study, to best of our knowledge, were the first to provide a reference proteome profile for the sea dragon, and would aid in the understanding of the expression and functions of the identified proteins.
圆月亮破了!  开始,大家以为是黑云遮住的原因,后来发现不是,真是破了,裂道缝,漏个洞,豁了边,偶尔还有月亮的碎片往下掉。  月亮这是怎么啦?是昨天大风刮得太厉害,没经受住?  唔,有可能,昨天的风将地上的树叶都吹到半空中去,成了树叶鸟。还将前行的人刮得直后退,帽子也刮得掉地上翻滚儿,跌进河里去。  要不,是冻得太厉害,冻裂了?因为前段还暖和的天气,忽然骤降了二十度,月亮被冻裂开了?也不是没有可能
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大凡喝了点墨水之人,每天皆有离不开的三件私家大事:读书、看报、泡电视,小民我也无法例外。在此顺便向各位汇报一下小民的读书之事吧。 Generally drink a little ink, ev