Generating of rice OsCENH3-GFP transgenic plants and their genetic applications

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In order to investigate rice functional centromeres, OsCENH3-GFP chimeric gene was constructed and transformed into the indica rice variety, Zhongxian 3037, mediated by Agrobacturium. The integration of the exogenous genes in the transgenic plants was confirmed by PCR and Southern blotting. The transgenic plants grow normally during their whole life time, just like Zhongxian 3037. No significant defects were detected in either mitosis or meiosis of the transgenic plants. The overlapping of GFP signals and anti-CENH3 foci in both mitotic and meiotic cells from T0 and T1 generation plants indicated that GFP had been successfully fused with CENH3, so the GFP signals can well represent the CENH3 locations on each chromosome. To evaluate the applicability of the transgenic plants to other genetic studies, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) using rice centromeric tandem repetitive sequence CentO as the probe was conducted on the zygotene chromosomes of pollen mother cells (PMCs). It has been revealed that the GFP signals are overlapping with CentO FISH signals, showing that CentO is one of the key elements constituting rice functional centromeres. Immunofluorescent staining using anti-α-tublin antibody and anti-PAIR2 antibody on the chromosomes during mitosis and meiosis stages of the transgenic plants further reveals that OsCENH3-GFP transgenic plants can be widely used for studying rice molecular biology, especially for tagging functional centromeres in both living cells and tissues. In order to investigate rice functional centromeres, OsCENH3-GFP chimeric gene was constructed and transformed into the indica rice variety, Zhongxian 3037, mediated by Agrobacturium. The integration of the exogenous genes in the transgenic plants was confirmed by PCR and Southern blotting. The transgenic plants grow normally during their whole life time, just like Zhongxian 3037. No significant defects were detected in either mitosis or meiosis of the transgenic plants. The overlapping of GFP signals and anti-CENH3 foci in both mitotic and meiotic cells from T0 and T1 generation plants indicated that GFP had been successfully fused with CENH3, so the GFP signals can well represent the CENH3, sequence CentO as the probe was conducted on the zygotene chromosomes of pollen mother cells (PMCs). It h as been revealed that the GFP signals are overlapping with CentO FISH signals, showing that CentO is one of the key elements constituting rice functional centromeres. Immunofluorescent staining using anti-α-tublin antibody and anti-PAIR2 antibody on the chromosomes during mitosis and meiosis stages of the transgenic plants further reveals that OsCENH3-GFP transgenic plants can be widely used for studying rice molecular biology, especially for tagging functional centromeres in both living cells and tissues.
函数是中学数学的重要基本概念之一,它与代数式、方程、不等式、三角函数、微积分等内容有着密切的联系,应用十分广泛.函数的基础性强、概念多,其中函数的定义域、值域、奇偶性等是难点之一,是高考的常见题型.下面就函数值域的求法举例说明如下.  一、直接法 本文为全文
目的 探讨肝胆外科围手术期护理中应用快速康复外科理念的临床效果.方法 病例类型:肝胆外科手术患者;病例数:90例;收集病例的时间:2018年7月-2019年12月;分组依据:硬币法:组
目的 探究对重症新生儿高胆红素血症患儿使用优质护理在患儿外周动静脉同步换血中的应用效果.方法 随机选取我院2019年12月2020至5月内收治的50例重症新生儿高胆红素血症患儿
著名特级教师于漪曾说:“课的第一锤要敲在学生的心灵上,激发起他们思维的火花,或像磁石一样把学生牢牢地吸引住。”由此可以看出,一堂课的开头,如同一台戏剧的序幕,一篇新闻的导语,一部乐章的序曲……一节课的导入环节对提高整节课教学的有效性至关重要。  听过一节数学课公开课《平行与相交》,教师在新课导入时让学生想象两支铅笔掉在地上可能是什么样子,并要求学生把它们的位置关系画下来,同时提醒学生,可以把这两支
一、核心概念的界定  1.“活动单”是教师依据课程标准和班级学情,围绕一个主题,将教材内容、教学要求等资源转化为具有目标性、整体性、层次性、关联性的一系列学习活动方案,也就是我们通常所说的“学案”.“活动单导学”是课堂教学中教师依托“活动单”,帮助和促进学生自主合作探究的学习方式.  2.“活动单导学”实施策略,是指为实现导学目标,预先根据可能出现的问题制定的若干对应方案,并且在实现目标的过程中,