
来源 :中国纺织经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:panmandy
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《中国纺织工业发展报告》是经过整合的中国纺织工业协会,在新世纪初亮相后,将首次向国内外隆重推出的年度发展与趋势报告,即“中国纺织白皮书”。按理说,协会属于社团组织,而无发布“白皮书”资格。但为了对中国纺织工业现状与趋势力争作出客观、全面、权威的分析透视,在此借用了“白皮书”这一官方述语,来严肃地表达致力于跟踪和探索中国纺织工业运行脉络的科学精神,真诚地体现引导全行业健康发展的服务意识。 应该说,了解和研究行业是协会工作的重要基础。出版年度发展报告,就要集中记载中国纺织工业及其各行业每一年度的发展历程,深入研究当前行业发展面临的关键性问题,并对行业走向有一个正确的前瞻。这无论对政府的宏观管理,还是企业的微观决策均不可缺少,而对协会 The Report on the Development of China’s Textile Industry is the first annual report on the development and trends of China, the “China Textile White Paper,” which is the first time that the integrated China Textile Industry Association will debut in the new century at the beginning of the new century. Logically speaking, the association belongs to the community organizations, without publishing the “White Paper” qualifications. However, in order to objectively, comprehensively and authoritatively analyze the status quo and trends of the Chinese textile industry, the official White Paper is borrowed here to seriously express the scientific spirit that is devoted to tracking and exploring the operation of China’s textile industry , In good faith to reflect the healthy development of the entire industry awareness of service. It should be said that to understand and study the industry is an important foundation for the work of the association. Publishing annual development report, it is necessary to focus on records of China’s textile industry and its various industries each year’s development process, in-depth study of the current development of the industry are facing the key issues and industry trends have a correct look. This is indispensable both for the government’s macro-management and for the micro-decision-making of enterprises. However,
在证实成年树鼩可感染人乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)的基础上,进行了丁型肝炎病毒-乙型肝炎病毒(HDV/HBV)实验感染的探索。HDV/HBV阳性人血清经同时和重叠感染方式接种于成年树鼩后,定期留取感染树鼩血清及肝组织,检测血清中HBsAg、HDAg、抗-HD、HBV DNA及HDV RNA,初步探讨成年树鼩实验感染HDV的可能性。研究发现:①成年树鼩对人HBV易感,HBsAg阳性率为75%,其血清学反应
迎着新千年、新世纪的曙光而诞生的《郑州轻工业学院学报 (社会科学版 )》已经出完了她的第二卷 ,刻下了她的第二道年轮。这两卷学报 ,横跨两个千年、两个世纪 ,从一个侧面记