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通过江垭电站地下厂房施工期防洪实践 ,对喀斯特地区比较典型的地下厂房工程的防洪度汛工作进行了全面总结。为解决地下主厂房的防渗排水问题 ,设计中已考虑了利用大坝基础灌浆帷幕作为地下厂房的防渗幕 ,在帷幕后设置了以排水廊道为主的排水系统 ,厂房洞室群内设置了排水沟和集水井。在施工期间还提出了对地下水进行“截、排、堵”综合治理措施 ,取得了成功的经验。在防洪度汛中 ,树立“防汛无小事”的观念 ,并总结了必须将防洪措施落到实处的经验与教训 Through the practice of flood control during the construction period of the underground powerhouse of Jiangya Hydropower Station, the flood control flood control work of the typical underground plant in karst area was comprehensively summarized. In order to solve the seepage prevention and drainage problems of the underground main building, the design of the base grouting curtain of the dam has been taken into account as the impermeable curtain for the underground workshop. After the curtain, a drainage system mainly consisting of drainage corridors is set up. Within the plant cave group Set up drains and wells. During the construction period, a comprehensive control measure of “cutting, draining and blocking” groundwater has also been put forward and gained successful experience. In the flood control flood season, establish the concept of “no small flood control” and summed up the experience and lessons that must be taken to implement flood prevention measures
CONTENTS00l GADAM On “Listen attention’.005 MNG Zhong -- ying Theory of knowledge in Chinese philmphy.017 MNG Hai -- peng Forewoed abeut Huizha,,terthents and
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【摘要】为了适应新时期的经济发展,2013年1月1日,财政部出台了《事业单位会计制度》。新的事业单位会计制度,一方面给事业单位的会计工作带来了发展,另一方面,对会计工作有了更高的要求,因此,事业单位必须通过加强自身的会计核算能力和改进会计方法的方式,来迎合新制度的实施。本文首先对实行新会计制度的必要性进行了简单的分析,然后再探讨新事业单位会计制度对事业单位会计核算的影响。  【关键词】新会计制度