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真吃真喝的“戏中餐”为巴蜀目连戏独有,堪称梨园食坛一绝,有趣的是,不但演戏时宴席中所上佳肴美酒皆是实物,而且供台上演戏人和台下观戏人共同品尝。1993年秋季,四川目连戏国际学术研讨会在绵阳市举办时,就曾复现了“搬目连”活动中这非凡的热闹场景。对其场面和规模,我在《梨园食话》之二(载《四川烹饪》1994年第2期)中,已有 Really eat really drink “opera lunch” for the unique Shu-Lian even play, called pear food court must-have is interesting is that not only during the banquet served in the food and wine are all in kind, but also for Taiwan’s performers and Taiwan Players under the common tastes. In the fall of 1993, when Sichuan Mulan International Symposium was held in Mianyang City, this remarkable scene of “Moving Moulin” was reappeared. On the scene and scale, I am in “Pear Duck Diao” II (contained in “Sichuan cooking” 1994 the second period), there have been
Esophageal carcinoma is one of the most common human cancers in China. Radiotherapy plays an important role in combination therapy of esophageal carcinoma. With
又是蔬菜大量上市的时节了.这时,如果买上些豆角、茄子,自制成罐头,存放到冬天菜少的时候用,不仅能节省开支,还能调剂冬天单调的餐桌. It is also a time when a large num
红枣是鲜枣的干制品,皮色红艳,肉甜质糯,营养丰富,主要产地在山东、河北、河南、山西、陕西等省。 红枣八月份开始成熟,皮色转为乳黄,水份多,质脆微甜,这时期称“脆熟期”。
绿豆、蚕豆、红小豆保存一段时间,特别是春夏季节,很容易生虫。防虫办法:将新买回的豆子先放在沸水中烫一烫(半分钟左右即可),捞出,再用冷水 Mung beans, broad beans, red
Hand-knitted sweaters made by Feiyun Company are knitted with six-strand cashmere. Three-dimensional patterns or bas-relief patterns are made by crocheting, kn
以鸭入馔,不乏其精美者,而对闻名遐迩的山东名肴锅烧鸭,我却情有独钟,只是无缘品尝,时常想念而已。机会终于来了,1994年12月初,我应邀前往青岛参加青岛市首届 To duck into
Emperor Tangming’s concubine, Yang Yuhuan, was fastidious about her meals. One day, she felt hungry after a bath so she asked for some food with stuffing from