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陕西省人民政府命令 (54)府民民字第○三八号事由:令发『陕西省中小城市政权组织试行方案』。希遵照由。为了充分发挥城市和工矿区政权组织为生产服务的效能,兹根据『第二次全国民政会议决议』精神及年来本省对中小城市政权组织试行的试验,对本府前发之『陕西省调整中小城市基层政权组织试行方案』(刊陕西政报第四卷第九期——编者注)进行修正,并更名为『陕西省中小城市政权组织试行方案』,业经本府第一八四次行政会议通过,兹随文附发,希即遵照试行。并将试行情况随时报府。至前发之「陕西省调整中小城市基层政权组织试行方案」作废。主席赵寿山副主席潘自力张凤翙韩兆鹗附:「陕西省中小城市政权组织试行方案」一九五四年四月十七日 Shaanxi Provincial People’s Government ordered (54) Fu Min Min Zi No. 38th cause: made “small and medium cities in Shaanxi Province pilot program of government organizations.” Greek follow by. In order to give full play to the performance of urban and industrial and mining areas for production services, according to the spirit of the “Resolution of the Second National Civil Affairs Conference” and the pilot tests carried out by the province over the medium and small-sized urban government organizations over the years, Pilot scheme for grassroots political organizations “(the fourth volume of Shaanxi Bulletin, Editor’s Note) was amended and renamed the pilot scheme for small and medium-sized cities in Shaanxi Province, adopted by the government of 184th session of the Executive Council It is attached as soon as possible and is subject to trial. And the trial situation report to the government at any time. In the previous issue, ”Trial Plan for Adjusting the Grassroots Political Power of Small and Medium-sized Cities in Shaanxi Province“ was invalidated. Chairman Zhao Shoushan Vice Chairman Pan Zili Zhang Fengying Han Zhaoqing Attachment: ”Trial Plan for Small and Medium-sized Cities and Regimes in Shaanxi Province" April 17, 1954
8 月 26 日,灵动科技 Max 新品发布会暨渠道合作伙伴签约仪式在中关村国家自主创新示范区展示中心隆重举行.这是第四代移动机器人首个线下新品发布暨渠道大会.灵动科技 Forwa