立足开拓 绝路逢生——从糖厂到啤酒厂

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绍兴糖厂是在食糖紧缺,每人每月凭票供应一两糖的特定历史条件下,由县食糖指挥部重点投资,于1972年建成的日处理200吨机制糖的小型制糖企业。原有职工158人,固定资产197万元。当时利用厂周围新围垦海涂种植的甘蔗和农副产品国家廉价统购以及农民廉价劳动力的优越条件,日子还过得去。但是由于甘蔗原料来源不足,生产任务长期“吃不饱”,每年生产开工不到60天。特别是农副产品销售价格放开以后,甘蔗收购价格大幅度提高,以及煤、电加价等影响,尽管竭力争取商业部门进口原糖加工和依靠国家减免产品税维持生产,但终因企业素质低,承担物价调整的消化能力差,仍连续发生亏损,1984年达12.3万元,处境十分艰难。面对困境,企业分析了现状:1、农副产品放 Shaoxing Sugar Factory is a small-scale sugar enterprise that handles 200 tons of sugar per day under the specific historical conditions of the shortage of sugar and the supply of one or two sugars per person per month. It is invested by the County Sugar Headquarters and completed in 1972. The original 158 employees, 1.97 million yuan in fixed assets. At that time, the days of the sugar cane and agricultural and sideline products nationwide planted in the new reclamation around the plant and the cheap conditions of the farmer’s cheap labor were all in place. However, due to the lack of raw materials for sugarcane, the long-term production task is not enough, and the annual production is less than 60 days. In particular, after the sale price of agricultural and sideline products was liberalized, the purchase price of sugar cane was greatly increased, and the impact of coal and electricity price increases, although efforts were made to strive for the commercial sector to import raw sugar and to rely on the national product tax relief to maintain production, but due to the low quality of the enterprise, The poor ability to absorb price adjustments still caused continuous losses. In 1984, it reached 123,000 yuan and the situation was very difficult. In the face of difficulties, the company analyzed the status quo: 1, agricultural and sideline products
这一天,风和日丽。可是几个花瓶的争吵却把大家的心情翻了个个儿。“我最美!”“就你那歪瓜裂枣的样儿,还美呢!我才最美呢!”“就你?我美!”唉?是谁的争吵声惊动了大家?原 T
春日的一个下午,我看到了彩虹。雨过天晴,太阳照在云幕(mù)上,彩虹在蔚(wèi)蓝天空的映衬下,显得格外美丽。你看,一个弧(hú)形的半透明的彩虹浮现在暗云中间, One aftern