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近几年来,湖南省资兴市国民经济快速发展, 县域经济综合实力跻身湖南省五强。然而,困难群体的存在和扩大及其生存境遇问题,也凸现在我们面前,成为影响深化改革、推动发展和保持稳定大局的社会隐患。改变困难群体的生活状态和困难地位不容忽视,必须把它当成实践“三个代表”重要思想的根本要求和构建和谐社会的重大任务,紧抓不放,常抓不懈。对此,我们作了一些有益的探索,取得显著成效。 In recent years, Zixing City, Hunan Province, the rapid development of national economy, county comprehensive economic strength among the top five in Hunan Province. However, the question of the existence and expansion of the disadvantaged groups and their living conditions has also emerged in front of us and become a social hazard that affects deepening reform, promoting development and maintaining a stable overall situation. To change the living conditions and the difficult position of the disadvantaged groups can not be ignored, we must regard it as the fundamental requirement of practicing the important thinking of the 'Three Represents,' and as a major task of building a harmonious society. In this regard, we made some useful explorations and achieved remarkable results.
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