Effects of HIPing Pressure on Microstructures and Properties of TiAl Alloy

来源 :Journal of Central South University of Technology(English Ed | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vergillove
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Blended elemental Ti 34%Al powders (mass fraction), containing 1.5%TiC, were hot isostatic pressed to prepare TiAl alloys. The effects of HIPing pressure on the sintered density, microstructure, constitutions phase were studied in details. The results show that the density of TiAl alloy increases repaidly with the increase of the HIPing pressure. At the same time, with the increase of pressure, the Ti 3Al phase in matrix disappears. TiC reacts with other substance, forming Ti 2AlC phase, which precipitates at grain boundaries. With the increase of hot isostatic pressing(HIPing) pressure, the shrinkage of the alloys increases, the fine spherical Ti 2AlC phase can meet together and forms a needle shape Ti 2AlC, and the amount of needle shaped Ti 2AlC phase increases. The composite material of TiAl containing C can be made easily by HIPing technology. Blended elemental Ti 34% Al powders (mass fraction), containing 1.5% TiC, were hot isostatic pressed to prepare sintered TiAl alloys. Microstructure, constitutions phase were studied in details. The results show that the density of TiAl alloy increases with the increase of the HIPing pressure. At the same time, with the increase of pressure, the Ti 3Al phase in matrix disappears. TiClacts with other substances, forming Ti 2AlC phase, which precipitates at grain boundaries. With the increase of hot isostatic pressing (HIPing) pressure, the shrinkage of the alloys increases, the fine spherical Ti 2AlC phase can meet together and forms a needle shape Ti 2AlC, and the amount of needle shaped Ti 2AlC phase increase. The composite material of TiAl containing C can be made easily by HIPing technology.
《福建分析测试》(FUJIAN ANALYSIS&TESTING)于1992年10月创刊,是由福建省科技厅主管,福建省分析测试协会、福建省测试技术研究所主办的专业性学术期刊,以学术性和实用性相结
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