
来源 :西安交通大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wareware1
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利用自行建立的膨胀机性能试验台,不仅实测了滑片膨胀机在不同工况下的性能指标,还利用配置的动态压力测量系统,测得了表示其工作过程的指示图.经过对滑片膨胀机基本特性的研究,搞清了一些主要的运行参数对其性能的影响,为进一步设计和应用这种膨胀机奠定了基础. Using the self-established expander performance test bench, not only the performance index of the vane expander under different operating conditions was measured, but also the indication chart of the working process was obtained by using the configured dynamic pressure measuring system. After studying the basic characteristics of vane expander, the influence of some main operating parameters on its performance is clarified, which lays the foundation for further design and application of this expander.
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