Where Do Local Experts Go? Evaluating User Geo-Topical Similarity for Top-N Place Recommendation

来源 :计算机科学技术学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lwllwl200315
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Recent years have witnessed the ever-growing popularity of location-based social network (LBSN) services. Top-N place recommendation, which aims at retrieving N most appealing places for a target user, has thus gained in-creasing importance. Yet existing solutions to this problem either provide non-personalized recommendations by selecting nearby popular places, or resort to collaborative filtering (CF) by treating each place as an independent item, overlooking the geographical and semantic correlations among places. In this paper, we propose GoTo, a collaborative recommender that provides top-N personalized place recommendation in LBSNs. Compared with existing methods, GoTo achieves its effectiveness by exploiting the wisdom of the so-called local experts, namely those who are geographically close and have similar preferences with regard to a certain user. At the core of GoTo lies a novel user similarity measure called geo-topical similarity, which combines geographical and semantic correlations among places for discovering local experts. In specific, the geo-topical similarity uses Gaussian mixtures to model users’ real-life geographical patts, and extracts users’ topical preferences from the attached tags of historically visited places. Extensive experiments on real LBSN datasets show that compared with baseline methods, GoTo can improve the performance of top-N place recommendation by up to 50%in terms of accuracy.
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