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1.抢收在园蔬菜能收获的及时组织劳力抢收。防止暴雨后蔬菜在田间损伤、腐烂,加大对市场的有效供应,力求降低因灾损失,增加收入。2.抢抓排水降渍疏通三沟,排除渍水,确保雨下快排,雨止沟干,畦面厢沟无积水。对地势低洼内河水位高的地区,组织电泵排水,加快排水速度和降低地下水位,受淹菜地应尽早排除田间积水,腾空地面,减少淹渍时间,减轻受害程度。做到“三沟”沟沟相通,雨住沟干,保护蔬菜根系 1. Grab harvest in the garden vegetables can be harvested in a timely manner to grab the labor force. Prevent rainstorm vegetables in the field damage, decay, increase the effective supply of the market, and strive to reduce losses due to disasters, increase income. 2. Grab seized drainage dredging dredging three ditch, excluding waterlogging, to ensure fast row under rain, rain stop gully, gully face ditch no water. Low-lying low-lying river water areas, the organization of electric pump drainage, speed up drainage and lower groundwater levels, flooded vegetable fields should be ruled out as soon as possible field water, vacated the ground, reduce flooding time and reduce the degree of victimization. Do “Three ditch ” ditch interlinked, rain live ditch, protect the root vegetables
摘要:随着时代的发展,信息化教学技术影响改变着人类的教育方式,语文教学也改变了单一的书本文字型教材形式,多媒体技术成为促进语文教学发展的主要手段。它适应了知识更新加快,知识传播简捷的要求,使教学内容更全面,更直观,更具体,更生动。  关键词:初中语文;多媒体教学;方法  新时期,我们教育教学效果也在明显的进步,多媒体则给这个目标的实现插上了腾飞的翅膀。运用多媒体导入新课,有效的激发了学生的学习兴趣
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