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基于公路网均衡布局的概念,根据泰尔指数和数据包络分析的公路网布局均衡性评价的结果得出不均衡系数,对传统公路网布局的重要度进行修正。运用万有引力定律及不均衡系数重要度确定两个节点之间的吸引强度。根据节点间的吸引强度来决定节点间所需的交通供给强度,进行公路网的布局。以云南省公路网布局为例进行分析,结果表明:昆明的节点重要度最大(为3.17),不均衡系数为0.38,得到的不均衡系数重要度也是最大(为2.05);玉溪的节点重要度为1.19,不均衡系数最小(为-0.57),表示现状公路网布局结构已超区域经济发展,使不均衡系数重要度降为0.48。布局结果表明昭通与昆明间的公路网布局长度最长,两者联系紧密,而迪庆用于对内交流的公路网较少,说明迪庆今后在公路网布局建设方面,应重点发展与邻省以及对外交流的公路网。 Based on the concept of road network equilibrium layout, the imbalance coefficient is derived from the results of the road network layout equilibrium evaluation based on Theil index and data envelopment analysis, and the importance of the traditional road network layout is revised. Applying the law of universal gravitation and the importance of unbalanced coefficients to determine the attraction between two nodes. According to the attraction strength between nodes to determine the strength of the traffic supply between nodes, the layout of the road network. Taking the layout of highway network in Yunnan Province as an example, the results show that the nodes of Kunming have the highest degree of importance (3.17), the unbalance coefficient is 0.38, and the importance of the unbalance coefficient obtained is also the largest (2.05) Is 1.19, and the imbalance coefficient is the smallest (-0.57), indicating that the present highway network layout has exceeded the regional economic development, reducing the importance of the imbalance coefficient to 0.48. The layout results show that the length of the road network between Zhaotong and Kunming is the longest, and the two are closely linked, while the number of road networks used by Diqing for internal communication is small, indicating that in the future, Provincial and foreign exchange of the road network.
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