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应用LC-6A高效液相色谱仪(HPLC)检测非感染与感染马来丝虫微丝蚴中华按蚊的血淋巴,均测出20种游离氨基酸。经统计处理这些氨基酸的变化为:1.非感染中华按蚊的氨基酸总量于血餐后第5天比刚羽化后来吸血蚊增加37%,以后一直维持在增加水平,但第12天增加量稍减为219%。感染马来丝虫中华按蚊的氨基酸总量于血餐后第5天锐减25.9%,第12天又增加到29.0%。2.两组蚊各种氨基酸变化多与其总量变化一致。而感染蚊与非感染蚊比较,则有15种氨基酸含量具显著性差异(P<0.05),①谷氨酰胺、酪氨酸于血餐后12d前一直明显增加,甘氨酸+苏氨酸、蛋氨酸于血餐后12d量显著增加;天门冬氨酸血餐后5d量减少,12d也增加。②谷氨酸、丝氨酸、精氨酸、丙氨酸、缬氨酸、亮氨酸、赖氨酸血餐后12d前量均减少。③鸟氨酸血餐后5d消失,12d又复出现,苯丙氯酸血餐后12d前一直未检出。 20 kinds of free amino acids were detected by LC-6A high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) detection of hemolymph of Anopheles sinensis in non-infected and infected Malayan filarious microfilaria. The statistical treatment of these amino acid changes: 1. The total amount of amino acids in non-infected Anopheles sinensis increased 37% on the fifth day after the blood meal and later increased on the 12th day, while the increase was slightly reduced to 219% on the 12th day. The total amount of amino acids in infected Anopheles sinensis was 25.9% on the 5th day after blood meal, and increased to 29.0% on the 12th day. 2. Two groups of mosquitoes with more changes in the total amino acid changes consistent. However, compared with non-infected mosquitoes, there were 15 kinds of amino acids with significant difference (P <0.05). ① Glutamine and tyrosine increased significantly 12 days after blood meal, while glycine + threonine , Methionine significantly increased 12 days after blood meal; aspartate blood meal decreased 5d after meal, 12d also increased. ② glutamate, serine, arginine, alanine, valine, leucine, lysine before 12d after blood meal decreased. ③ ornithine blood meal disappeared 5d after the meal, 12d again appeared, 12 days before the meal of phenyl chloroform blood meal has not been detected.
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兵来将挡,水来土掩。对于上司的种种好的坏的,只抱怨没用,要有应对之道。  当太阳没出来的时候,月亮出来了;当月亮没出来的时候,星星出来了;星星没出来的时候,魔鬼出来了上司时而像太阳,普照万方,为你的未来指点方向;时而像月亮,在你困难的时候,伸手拉你一把;时而像星星,在你工作郁闷的时候,逗你开心;时而像魔鬼,在你犯错误的时候,把你骂个狗血淋头!  我参加工作也有一年时间了,社会与学校完全是两个不同的
专业为谁而设  电视媒体的兴起,引发了文学艺术样式的革新。戏剧影视文学就是戏剧影视和传统意义上的文学相结合的产物。该专业主要培养具备戏剧、戏曲和影视文学基本理论及剧本创作能力,熟悉我国的文艺政策,系统地掌握戏剧、戏曲、影视文学的基本理论和创作技能,有较强的观察、理解、概括生活的能力,较强的剧本创作能力,较高的编辑和理论研究水平,以及能在国家机关、文教事业单位(剧院、电视台、电影厂、编辑部、影视公司