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众所周知,在一定条件下金刚石和石墨可以互变。这种变化是物理变化还是化学变化,两种说法均有之,有必要提出来讨论。“物理变化”者认为:金刚石和石墨的物理性质是截然不同的,前者坚硬,是天然物质中最硬的物质;后者质软,是最软的矿物之一。就其组成来说,它们都是由碳元素组成的,只是在形成这两种晶体时,碳原子在空间的排列不同罢了。所以它们表现出来的物理性质就有如此巨大差别,但组成元素都是碳,故表现的化学性质则是一样的,如它们燃烧结果都生成 CO_2,金刚石和石墨互变,成分仍然是碳元素,显然是物理变化。“化学变化”者则认为:虽然金刚石和石 It is well known that diamond and graphite can be interconverted under certain conditions. Whether this change is a physical change or a chemical change has both arguments and it is necessary to discuss it. “Physical changes” believe that the physical properties of diamond and graphite are very different. The former is hard and is the hardest substance in the natural material; the latter is soft and one of the softest minerals. As far as their composition is concerned, they are all composed of carbon elements, but when the two crystals are formed, the arrangement of carbon atoms in space is different. So the physical properties they exhibit are so different, but the components are all carbon, so the chemical properties of the expression are the same. For example, if they burn, they all generate CO 2 , diamond and graphite are interconverted, and the composition is still carbon. Obviously a physical change. “Chemistry change” thinks: Although diamond and stone
To evaluate the effects of adenovirus (Ad) - mediated transfer of p5 3and p16 on hum an bladder cancer cells EJ,EJwere transfected with Ad- p5 3and Ad- p16 . C
一、学习要点掌握课文中常用词的古今意义及古字通假现象;认真分析人物的言行;正确理解这篇寓言故事的寓意。二、自读指要 (一)下面句子加点的词有三种解释,请把正确答案的
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大鲵(Andrias davidianus)俗称娃娃鱼,是我国特有种,属两栖纲、有尾目、隐鳃鲵科。在美洲、欧洲和亚洲发现的化石表明,在中生代或是更早的年代,隐鳃鲵科动物就已经广泛地生活
一、问题的提出 在无机化学、分析化学等一般教材和教学参考书中,H_2CO_3的表观电离常数(K_1=4.2×10~(-7),K_2=5.6×10~(-11))标明它是一种弱酸。但是(1)从无机含氧酸的结