Beijing Bianyifang, No.1 of the 600-year \\"Kiln-roast Duck\\"

来源 :China\'s Foreign Trade | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lisky
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The brand of Bianyifang was established in A.D. 1416(Yongle 14th, Ming dynasty), 590 years ago. It is one of the oldest restaurants in China, famous for its roast duck. Its unique method of kiln-roasting has been its trademark all throughout its history. However, as it faces competition from new brands, especially foreign brands, how can Bianyifang ensure its survival and continued success? Looking at Bianyifang’s own successful history and the histories of other successful Chinese brands, we can conclude that Bianyifang should insist on self-innovation and increasing its competitive ability to make a name for itself internationally. The brand of Bianyifang was established in AD 1416 (Yongle 14th, Ming dynasty), 590 years ago. It is one of the oldest restaurants in China, famous for its roast duck. Its unique method of kiln-roasting has been its trademark all its history. However, as it faces competition from new brands, especially foreign brands, how can Bianyifang ensure its survival and continued success? Looking at Bianyifang’s own successful history and the histories of other successful Chinese brands, we can conclude that Bianyifang should insist on self-innovation and increasing its competitive ability to make a name for itself internationally.
3月14日 晴  很久以前,森林王国有两只可爱的动物叫小狮子和小熊。它们是好朋友。  有一次,森林王国要举行一场举重比赛。小熊在练习拔树。小狮子练习举石头。经过一轮比赛,小熊和小狮子都进入了决赛。老牛把最重的杠铃拿了出来。最后,小熊和小狮子都举起来了,老牛说:“这奖杯颁给谁?”这时老鹰说:“这个奖杯应该给小狮子,它才是冠军。”小熊不服气,问:“为什么?”老鹰认真地说:“因为你练习举重时,共拔了20