战之能胜常备军——云南省曲靖军分区构建“双应”一体 民兵应急分队纪实

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位于珠江源头的云南曲靖市,是爨文化的故乡,素有“人滇锁钥”之称,战略地位十分重要,红军长征两过此地,留下了宝贵的精神财富和众多的红色资源。当年,红军转战曲靖大地,爱民为民的佳话传美名。今天,在这片红土地上,一支召之即来、来之能战、战之能胜的民兵应急分队主动参建参治、处突维稳、抢险救灾和助民致富,受到各级党委、政府和广大群众的一致肯定和赞誉。 Located in the source of the Pearl River in Qujing, Yunnan, is the hometown of culture. It is known as the “key to people and people of Yunnan”. Its strategic position is very important. The Red Army Long March has been here twice, leaving precious spiritual wealth and numerous red resources. That year, the Red Army fought Qujing earth, love the people of the story of the famous pass. Today, on this piece of red earth, a militia and emergency unit that calls forth and comes to fight and win the war can take the initiative to participate in the construction of the Senate, stabilize the disaster, rescue and disaster relief, and help the people get rich. The party committees at all levels , The government and the masses unanimously affirmed and praised.
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<正> 近代中国向西方打开自己的精神殿堂后很久,黑格尔才姗姗来迟。不是完全无人知道黑格尔。至少,1903年马君武便在有影响的《新民丛报》上,高呼“黑格尔的大名,雷轰于哲学界”了。然而思想最活跃的二十年代,学界对黑格尔依然保持沉默。对此,贺麟的解释是,这是由近代学者讲西方的初始动机——寻求富强之道决定的。“在哲学方面,他们是先从外表,边缘、实用方面着手,先介绍培根、洛克、赫胥黎、穆勒,然