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18岁时,保罗成了纽约一家大商场的员工,在女性布稠专柜当售货员。每天都有很多女性来到柜台前,伸出柔嫩的双手,反复试摸每一种料子,然后选择自己喜欢的。专柜的壁橱里摆着好几百种布稠,有的艳丽夺目,有的高贵素雅,也有的暗淡老气。一天,一位年轻的女士来到柜台前,说:“我需要一种非常特殊的绸缎。”“请问特殊在什么地方呢?”保罗忙问。从业以来,他经常会遇到这样的顾客,她们求新求异,非常时髦,不愿跟别人买 At the age of 18, Paul became a New York City department store employee, saleswoman in a cloth store. Every day, many women come to the counter, stick out their soft hands, test each material repeatedly and choose what they like. Counter closet placed hundreds of kinds of thick cloth, and some gorgeous eye-catching, noble elegance, and some bleak old-fashioned. One day a young lady came to the counter and said: “I need a very special silk.” “What is special?” Paul asked. Since working, he often encounter such customers, they seek novelty, very stylish, do not want to buy with others
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广东省神经科学学会于 2 0 0 0年 1月 6~ 7日在广州第一军医大学珠江医院召开了第二届代表大会暨学术会议。这次会议除了有广东省和广州市 1 0 0余名代表参加外 ,还有香港特别
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金银花收载于《中国药典·一部》1995年版,为忍冬科植物忍冬LonicerajaponcaThunb.、红腺忍冬LonicerahypoglaucaMiq.、山银花Loniceracon-fusaDC.、毛花柱忍冬LoniceradasystylaR... Honeysuckle is contained in the “Chinese Pharmacopoeia Part I” 1995 editi
ThepresentstudywasundertakentoinvestigatetheeffectofhumanPMNsontheproductionofTNF -αbythehumanperipheralbloodmononuclearcells (PB ThepresentstudywasundertakentoinvestigatetheffectofhumanPMNsontheproductionofTNF-αbythehumanperipheral blood mononuclear cel
采用超细微粉技术对原生药材进行微粉加工制成的外用和内服制剂与传统工艺比较,动物实验证明可提高后者的生物学效应,与传统粉碎工艺的制剂比较可明显提高药效学活性。 Compar