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当前,我国高校党委宣传工作既面临着全国经济体制改革、开放的新形势,又面临着政治体制改革、党政分开的新变革。高校党委的职能随着校(院)长负责制的推行,将逐步转变为起监督保证作用。作为高校党委主管宣传教育的宣传部门,现实的思想观念、工作方式、干部素质都跟不上,要适应这种新情况,“党的宣传工作和思想教育工作必须改革”(党的十三大报告)。为共同探讨和推动高校党委宣传工作的改革,仅提出以下几点粗浅的意见: 一、关于宣传工作改革的指导思想及几个必须更新的观念 At present, the propaganda work of the party committees and colleges in colleges and universities in our country is facing not only the new situation of reform and opening up of the entire country’s economic system, but also the new transformation of the political system and the separation of the party and the government. With the implementation of the responsibility system of school (college) leaders, the functions of Party committees in colleges and universities will be gradually transformed into the function of supervision and assurance. As the publicity and education propaganda department under the leadership of the party committees in colleges and universities, the realistic ideological concepts, working methods and quality of cadres can not keep up. To adapt to this new situation, “the party’s propaganda work and ideological education must be reformed” (the 13th CPC National Congress report). In order to jointly discuss and promote the reform of the propaganda work of party committees in higher education, we only put forward the following superficial opinions: First, the guiding ideology on the reform of propaganda work and several concepts that must be updated
我院自1997年10月~2000年10月期间应用纳洛酮治疗急性酒精中毒,取得了满意的疗效。现总结如下:1 临床资料1.1 病例选择:我院3年间共收治急性酒精中毒患者116 例。男75例,女41例,年龄16~58岁,平均29.8岁,饮酒量200~1000ml, Our hos
为了贯彻落实“全军办院校”的方针,加强我校与实习医院的联系,交流经验,搞好协作,五月上旬我校召开了实习医院教学管理座谈会。 参加会议的有:沈阳、兰州、乌鲁木齐、济南
[新闻回顾] 7月2日,教育部考试中心网站公布教育部通知,通知要求,结束高等教育学历文凭,结束文凭考试试点工作,取消高等教育学历文凭考试。已具有文凭考试试点资格的民办高