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凹凸棒石(ATP)作为天然二维纳米材料,因具有丰富孔道和较大比表面积被广泛用于水处理吸附剂,但其中含有大量杂质需提纯改性以期提高其吸附效率.文中研究焙烧、酸碱、水热、微波等一系列手段改性的凹凸棒石孔道结构变化及对水体中重金属离子Cr6+的去除效果.研究结果证明:不同提纯改性方法对ATP的官能团、价键及孔道结构均产生影响.ATP-0(天然矿物)、ATP-1(碱焙烧)产物的吸附脱附曲线符合I型等温线,说明以微孔为主;ATP-2(酸水热活化)、ATP-3(酸水热+碱改活化)及ATP-4(酸微波+碱改活化)的吸附曲线逐渐向Ⅳ型等温线转化,存在滞后环,孔道大小顺序为ATP4>APT-3>ATP-2.吸附过程一般24-48 h达到平衡,对Cr6+吸附效率强弱顺序为:ATP-4> ATP-3> ATP-2> ATP-0> ATP-1,ATP-4吸附效率达89.62%,吸附容量为18.32 mg/g.“,”Attapulgite (ATP) as natural two-dimensional nanomaterials,is widely used in water treatment adsorbents for abundant pore and large specific surface area,however,the plenty impurities are essential to remove from ATP by purifying and modifying to improve the adsorption efficiency.In this paper,the structure of modified ATP by calcination,acid-base,hydrothermal,microwave and other methods,and the removal effect of heavy metal ions Cr6+ in polluted water were studied.The research results show that the effects of different modification methods on the functional groups,valence bond and pore structure of ATP are investigated.The nitrogen adsorptiondesorption isotherms of products between ATP-0 (naturalmineral) and ATP-1 (alkaline calcinations) belonged to the Ⅰ isotherm according to IUPAC.Micropores were the major pores of them.The isotherms of ATP-2 (acid hydrothermal activation),ATP-3 (acid hydrothermal + alkali activation) and ATP-4 (acid microwave + alkali activation) were gradually transformed into the Ⅳ isotherm,and desorption hysteresis is significant.The order of pore size is ATP-4 > APT-3 > ATP-2.The equilibrium period of the adsorption is 24-48 h,the order of Cr6+adsorption efficiency is:ATP-4 > ATP-3 > ATP-2 > ATP-0 > ATP-1,the removal efficiency of ATP-4 is 89.62%,and the adsorption capacity is 18.32 mg/g.
据德国媒体报道,德国日前向欧盟委员会致信指控菲亚特克莱斯勒(FCA)公司使用非法装置关闭柴油机尾气处理系统。德国交通部发送给欧盟委员会的信件中提到通过测试发现了菲亚特克莱斯勒使用非法装置关闭尾气处理系统的证据。该测试发现 “一系列清理循环之后,一个特殊氧化氮催化剂被关闭”。非法设备搭载的车辆包括菲亚特500X和Jeep Renegade小型SUV,以及菲亚特多宝货车,而該款发动机是菲亚特最新2.0
沃尔沃于于日前表示,明年公司將聘请约400名新工程师用于推动安全技术、自动驾驶和电气化方面的开发工作。沃尔沃表示,这是公司史上规模最大的一次招聘,最近由于沃尔沃车型畅销并致力于将自己打造成能够匹敌德国豪车公司的一家优质车企,故而不断招兵买马。沃尔沃7月全球销量增长9.3%,连续第14个月同比增长,其销量主要受到新款XC90 SUV的强势需求带动。
刚刚被提升为安森美亚太区市场营销副总裁的麦满权先生,将肩负着安森美在亚太及中国地区全面拓展市场,推动节能革命的重任。 Mr Man Man-right, who has just been promoted
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