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在整理日军侵华资料的过程中,不难发现有关记录日军侵华期间暴行的照片,多半是日本人自己留下的,因为施暴通常是军事优势下的产物,日军甚至也以此炫耀,日军随行记者在一些照片背后狂妄的解说词是最好的佐证。此次刊出的照片原属战前日本《东京日日新闻》,该报曾派遣多名记者随日军深入中国各地,留下许多日军暴行的记录,当时这些照片受到日本军部的审查列入禁止使用之列,1977年,由《每日新闻》刊出。翻翻这些老照片,眼前竟恍惚觉得照片中的死难者在悲愤地诉说着当时日军的暴行,当年当月当日受难者的嘶喊,日军的暴虐、狂笑一幕幕涌向眼底。照片中的死难者早已无法为自己申冤,此时的我们只能通过早已泛黄的照片诅咒日军的暴行并向曾经为国捐躯的抗日志士表达深深的敬意。此次再次展现这些老照片,不管是对任何一个中国人还是对任何一个日本人,一在于重现历史,二更在于铭记。 During the process of sorting out the information on the invasion of China by the Japanese army, it is not hard to find that the photographs about the atrocities committed by the Japanese army during the invasion of China were mostly left by the Japanese themselves. Because violence is usually the product of military superiority, the Japanese even show off the Japanese troops The accompanying journalist’s arrogant commentary on the back of some photographs is the best evidence. Originally published as prewar Japan’s Tokyo-Japan News, the newspaper dispatched a number of journalists to penetrate various parts of China with the Japanese troops and left many records of Japanese atrocities that were scrutinized by the Japanese military Prohibited to use the list, in 1977, published by the “Daily News”. Flip through these old photos, in front of a trance that the photos of the victims were sad to tell the Japanese atrocities at that time the day of the month victims of the scream, the Japanese tyranny, wild laughter flock to the eyes. The victims of this picture have long been unable to claim redress for themselves. At this time, we can only curse the atrocities committed by the Japanese army through the already yellowed pictures and express our deep respect for the anti-Japanese ciacs who once sacrificed their lives for the country. Once again, these old photographs, whether for any Chinese or for any Japanese, are to reproduce history and to keep in mind the second.
立卷吋把不同价值的文件尽是不立在一起,这个問題我是这样理解的: 要求立卷时适当地將价值不同的文件分开,这是为了便于鑑定和向档案馆移交。卷內文件的保管期限相同,鑑定时
有人说罗世迪是“铁板”一块,也有人说他是“死脑筋”。究竟他在工作、生活上为人如何呢? 罗世迪1968年入伍,75年从部队复员, 成为当时建瓯公安局仅有的四位交通警察当中的一