Peptide aptamers:The versatile role of specific protein function inhibitors in plant biotechnology

来源 :Journal of Integrative Plant Biology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a443532159
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In recent years,peptide aptamers have emerged as novel molecular tools that have attracted the attention of researchers in various fields of basic and applied science,ranging from medicine to analytical chemistry.These artificial short peptides are able to specifically bind,track,and inhibit a given target molecule with high affinity,even molecules with poor immunogenicity or high toxicity,and represent a remarkable alternative to antibodies in many different applications.Their use is on the rise,driven mainly by the medical and pharmaceutical sector.Here we discuss the enormous potential of peptide aptamers in both basic and applied aspects of plant biotechnology and food safety.The different peptide aptamer selection methods available both in vivo and in vitro are introduced,and the most important possible applications in plant biotechnology are illustrated.In particular,we discuss the generation of broadbased virus resistance in crops, “reverse genetics” and aptasensors in bioassays for detecting contaminations in food and feed.Furthermore,we suggest an alternative to the transfer of peptide aptamers into plant cells via genetic transformation,based on the use of cell-penetrating peptides that overcome the limits imposed by both crop transformation and Genetically Modified Organism commercialization. In recent years, peptide aptamers have emerged as novel molecular tools that have attracted the attention of researchers in various fields of basic and applied science, ranging from medicine to analytical chemistry. The artificial short peptides are able to specifically bind, track, and inhibit a given target molecule with high affinity, even molecules with poor immunogenicity or high toxicity, and represent a remarkable alternative immunities in many different applications. their use is on on the rise, driven mainly by the medical and pharmaceutical sector. He we discuss the enormous potential of peptide aptamers in both basic and applied aspects of plant biotechnology and food safety. The different peptide aptamer selection methods available both in vivo and in vitro are introduced, and the most important possible applications in plant biotechnology are illustrated. generation of broadbased virus resistance in crops, “reverse genetics ” and aptasensors in bioassa ys for illustrative contaminations in food and feed. Future co., we suggest an alternative to the transfer of peptide aptamers into plant cells via genetic transformation, based on the use of cell-penetrating peptides that overcome the limits imposed by both crop transformation and Genetically Modified Organism commercialization.
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