1993年本刊曾出专刊祝贺庄孝僡教授八十寿辰,籍以表彰他的科学业绩和贡献。当时他虽已年届耄耋,仍然精神矍烁,照常来实验室工作。谁也没有料想到,竟会在两年后因病不治,与世长辞了! 庄孝僡教授是国际著名的实验胚胎学家和细胞生物学家,是中国细胞生物学的奠基人和创始人之一。他在胚胎诱导和分化,无神经蝾螈幼虫肢体再生和表皮传导现象的研究等方面都取得了
In 1993, we published a special issue to congratulate Professor Chuang Hsiao-p’ao on his 80th birthday in order to honor his scientific achievements and contributions. At that time, though he had been so shy for years, he was still spirited and came to work in the laboratory as usual. Who did not expect that, actually in two years because of illness died, died in the world! Professor Zhuang Xiaobo is an internationally renowned experimental embryologist and cell biologist, is China’s founder and founder of cell biology. He has made progress in the induction and differentiation of embryos, the regeneration of limbs without limbal salamander, and the study of epidermal conduction