张二毛是横山村有名的科学种田能手,他种植瓜菜讲科学,巧管理,勇于创新。1989年在他的带动下,相邻的5户连片种植12.2亩西瓜间种甘蓝复播大白菜,平均亩收入2125.8元,其中3亩是他自己种植的,平均亩收入2925元,在全县高收田竞赛中一举夺魁。一、主要技术措施 1.实行间作套种,注重合理密植西瓜采用地膜覆盖,150厘米一带,双行种植,株行距各45厘米,亩留苗1850株左右,4月上旬播种,7月上旬收获。6月上旬又在地膜与西瓜相间栽植2行甘蓝,亩留苗1850株。西瓜收后及时整地,8月上旬又在空行内复播2行大白菜,行距45厘米,株距
Zhang Ermao is a well-known scientific farming Hengshancun, he planted vegetables and science, clever management, the courage to innovate. In 1989, led by him, the adjacent 5 contiguous planting 12.2 acres of cabbage seedlings cabbage, average mu income of 2125.8 yuan, of which 3 acres is his own cultivation, the average mu income 2925 yuan, in the whole County farm contest winner in one fell swoop. First, the main technical measures 1. Intercropping intercropping, pay attention to the rational use of plastic mulching watermelon covered, 150 cm area, double row planting, spacing 45 cm, Mulamiao 1850 or so, sowing in early April, early July harvest. In early June and again in the film and watermelon planted 2 rows of cabbage, Mulamu 1850. After the watermelon was collected, the soil was collected in time. In early August, two rows of Chinese cabbage were sowed in the blank line at 45 cm spacing.