(一) 一般认为,从古希腊以来,西方学者的思维方法倾向绝对主义。文艺复兴之后,当资产阶级打着人本主义的旗号登上历史舞台时,绝对主义仍然陪伴它的学者们品味着人性“真、善、美”的芬芳和理性“高、大、全”的醇香。例如,席勒在谈到人格塑造时就这样指出:“在每个人的个体内部,至少在他的潜能和规定性之中都可能包含有一种纯粹的理想的人。”①这种“纯粹的理想”,到了康德那儿便成了支配人们伦理因而“普遍适用”的“绝对命令”;而黑格尔老人关于“绝对观念”的煌煌巨著则义无反顾地将柏拉图以来的绝对主义推到了登峰造极的地步。
(A) Generally believed that since ancient Greece, western scholars tend to absolutism. After the Renaissance, when the bourgeoisie embarked on the stage of history under the banner of humanism, absolutism still accompanied its scholars to enjoy the fragrance of “truth, goodness and beauty” of human nature and the “high, big and complete” Mellow Schiller, for example, when it comes to personality shaping states: “Within each individual individual, at least in his potential and prescriptiveness, there may be a purely ideal person.” ① This “pure Ideal ”to Kant, which became the“ absolute order ”that dominates people’s ethics and thus“ universally applicable. ”The Hegelian elitism’s magnificent monograph on“ absolute conception ”undoubtedly pushed the absoluteism from Plato to the peak .