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过去的5年,自治区党委团结带领全区各族干部群众,高举邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想伟大旗帜,全面贯彻落实科学发展观,深入贯彻党的十六大和十六届三中、四中、五中、六中全会精神,从宁夏实际出发,抢抓机遇,创新环境,深化改革,扩大开放,推进“两化一新”(工业化、城市化和新农村建设),实施“五大战略”(工业强区战略、中心城市带动战略、科教兴宁战略、人才强区战略和项目带动战略),加快“两大基地”(宁东和太阳山能源化工基地、新材料工业基地)建设,各项社会事业发展步伐加快,全区经济和社会发展保持了稳定增长的良好态势,为宁夏下一步实现跨越发展奠定了坚实的基础和创造了有利的条件。推进和谐宁夏建设,关键在党。全面加强党的建设,不断提高党的执政能力和领导水平,是构建和谐社会、推进和谐宁夏建设的坚强保证。这几年,各级党组织以党的执政能力建设和先进性建设为重点,全面加强思想、组织、作风和制度建设,切实提高了各级领导干部贯彻落实科学发展观的能力,充分发挥了各级党组织总揽全局、协调各方的领导核心作用。形成真抓实干的良好风气,使各项工作扎实有力地推进。本刊将从本期起从党建、经济、文化等方面陆续推出系列专题报道,以展示全区上下建设和谐宁夏、推进富民强区的新成绩,迎接自治区第十届党代会的胜利召开。 In the past five years, the party committees in the autonomous region united and led cadres and people of all ethnic groups in the region, held high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents, comprehensively implemented the scientific concept of development, thoroughly implemented the Party’s 16th CPC National Congress and the third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth Plenary Session of the General Assembly, starting from the reality of Ningxia, seizing opportunities and innovating the environment, deepening reform, opening wider to the outside world, pushing forward the “two modernizations” (industrialization, urbanization and new rural construction) and implementing the “five Strategy ”(Strategy of Strong Industrial Zone, Strategy of Promoting Central City, Strategy of Xingning with Science and Education, Strategy of Strong Zone by Talents and Project-Driven Strategy) and speeding up the construction of“ two major bases ”(Ningdong and Sunplus Energy Chemical Industrial Base and New Material Industrial Base) The pace of social undertakings has accelerated and the economic and social development in the region has maintained a good momentum of steady growth. This has laid a solid foundation and favorable conditions for Ningxia to achieve leapfrog development in the next step. To promote harmonious construction in Ningxia, the key lies in the party. To comprehensively strengthen party building and constantly improve the party’s ability to govern and leadership is a strong guarantee for building a harmonious society and promoting the building of a harmonious Ningxia. In recent years, the party organizations at all levels have focused on building the party’s governing capability and advanced nature, comprehensively strengthening ideological, organizational, work style and system construction, earnestly improving the ability of leading cadres at all levels in implementing the scientific outlook on development and giving full play to Party organizations at all levels should take overall control of the overall situation and coordinate the leadership core role of all parties. Form a good atmosphere of earnest work and hard work so that all work will be solidly and effectively promoted. This issue will launch a series of special reports starting from the party building, economy and culture from this issue to showcase the new achievement of building a harmonious Ningxia across the whole district and promoting the enrichment and strengthening of the district and meet the victory of the tenth congress of the autonomous region.
本文基于正交试验设计的基本原理,结合煤矿边坡相似材料模拟试验研究的实际,介绍了相似材料配比试验优化方法。指出了高陡边坡相似模拟应注意的问题。 Based on the basic pri
2005年度本刊阅读知识竞赛照比往年略有变化,其中包含了少数灵活试题。由此,很多读者来电、来信,询问什么叫“互动”“专题”和“时事”。小李这就向您作出解答。 FY2005 ma