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入世后,我国最紧缺的人才:一是农业、信息、金融、财会、外贸、法律和现代管理等领域的专业人才;二是生物技术、环保技术、新材料等领域的高层次科学技术人才;三是熟悉世贸组织规则、适应国际竟争需要和能够参与解决国际争端的专门谈判人才;四是了解国际惯例、符合需要的外语人才,五是跨领域、跨行业、跨学科的复合型人才。按专业技术人才(指具有中专以上学历或初级以上职称,并从事专业技术工作的人员)统计,我国专业技术人员总量相当于发达国家 1/3~1/4;具有大学本科及以上学历的仅占专业技术人员总数的17.5%,中专以下的人员占一半以上,高级人才仅占 After joining the WTO, China's most scarce talent: First, professionals in agriculture, information, finance, accounting, foreign trade, law and modern management; Second, high-level scientific and technological personnel in the fields of biotechnology, environmental technology, new materials and other fields; Third, special negotiators who are familiar with the rules of the WTO, adapted to the international competitive needs and able to participate in the settlement of international disputes. Fourth, they are foreign language professionals who are familiar with international practices and meet the needs. Fifth, they are multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary professionals. According to the statistics of professional and technical personnel (those who have the technical secondary school degree or above, junior technical personnel or above), the total professional and technical personnel in our country is about 1/3 to 1/4 of the developed countries; Accounted for only 17.5% of the total number of professional and technical personnel, more than half of secondary technical staff, senior personnel only
读着这篇隽永的散文,那优美成熟的文笔,那深邃高远的立意,也许很难让你把它和一个年仅13岁的小女孩联系起来。 Reading this time-honored essay, the graceful and mature
领导者的作用在于建立各种激励制度,激励部属为实现管理的目标作出积极贡献。正确、积极、有效地激发部属干劲,是达到有效领导的重要途径。 The role of the leader lies in
几年前我乡村级小学的自然教学状况令人忧虑。主要表现在: 1.师资组合差。①任课教师年龄偏高。由于历史原因,中老年教师自然科学知识贫乏,自然实验操作能力较差;②自然课是