1 临床资料 患者女,27岁。因自服杂草灵30ml3小时收住院。既往身体健康。体检:体温36.5℃,血压12/8kPa,神清,精神差,无缺氧貌,双侧瞳孔等大等圆,直径约3.5mm,对光反射灵敏,口中嗅及农药味,双肺呼吸音略粗,未闻及干湿性罗音,心率120次/分,律齐,心音低钝,腹软,肠鸣音正常存在。初步诊断:杂草灵中毒。入院后立即给予洗胃、导泻、抗感染、补液、利尿、保肝、强心等对症治疗,病情无明显好转,于入院第三天出现精神萎靡,颜面
1 Clinical data Patient, 27 years old. Due to self-service weed Ling 30ml3 hours admitted to hospital. In the past, good health. Physical examination: body temperature 36.5 ℃, blood pressure 12 / 8kPa, clear spirit, poor spirit, no hypoxia, bilateral pupil and other large round, diameter of about 3.5mm, sensitive to light reflection, mouth smell and pesticide odor, lung breath sounds Slightly coarse, unheard and wet and dry rales, heart rate 120 beats / min, law Qi, low heart sound blunt, abdominal soft, bowel sounds exist. Initial diagnosis: weed spirit poisoning. Admission to the hospital immediately after gastric lavage, catharsis, anti-infective, rehydration, diuretic, liver, cardiac and other symptomatic treatment, no significant improvement in the condition, the third day of admission appeared apathetic,