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如何区分真正的“画家”与通常所说的“画匠”?苗强先生从技巧与技法的区别入手,认为技巧过程不仅是创造作品的过程,也是画家自身创造的过程。技巧是画家的历史,是画家存在本身,技巧对于画家具有存在论意义。而画匠只有技法没有技巧,因而也就没有对其自身的创造,他的技法和他的生命没有存在论意义上的关联。画画对于画匠只是谋生的手段或捞取虚妄名声的方式,社会对画匠的需求基本是消费性的。图腾崇拜是原始自然崇拜和祖先崇拜的统一体。这种图腾意识与春秋战国时期巴楚美术的关系如何?胡智勇先生研究认为,巴楚美术受中原文化影响较小,而更多地保存着先民的图腾意识,对此时此地的美术产生了重要影响。因此作者认为这是我们了解和释读巴楚美术的一条途径。不少读者朋友和专家学者表示,对本专栏的“论摘”感到极大兴趣,很爱读,要求适当扩大版面和容量。为进一步做好浓缩学界论点精华的“论摘”这道菜,欢迎读者朋友把自己在阅读报刊书籍时感兴趣的内容寄来(可参考现有格式)。好菜大家一起来做,也许吃起来更有滋味吧。 How to distinguish between the real “painter” and the so-called “painter”? Miao Qiang start from the difference between skills and techniques, that the process of skills is not only the process of creating works, but also the artist’s own process of creation. Craftsmanship is the history of the painter, the existence of the artist, and the technique has an ontological significance to the artist. The artisan, however, has no skill at all, and therefore no creation of his own. His technique has no existential relevance to his life. Painting for the artisan is just a means of making a living or falsifying fake reputation, the community’s demand for artisans is basically consumer. Totem worship is the unity of primitive nature worship and ancestor worship. How did this totem consciousness relate to the Bachu art in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period? According to Hu Zhiyong’s research, Bachu’s art was less influenced by the Central Plains culture and more preserved the totem awareness of the ancestors, A significant impact Therefore, the author thinks this is a way for us to understand and interpret Bachu art. Many readers, friends and experts and scholars said that they are extremely interested in the “Digest” of this column, they are very fond of reading and demanded that their layout and capacity should be appropriately enlarged. In order to further enrich the discourse of “Treatise on Concentration”, we welcome friends of readers to send their own interest in reading newspapers and magazines (please refer to the existing format). Good food we do together, maybe eat more taste it.
“第十九届中国国际专业音响·灯光·乐器及技术展览会(PALM EXPO 2010)”将于2010年5月20日~5月23日在北京中国国际展览中心和全国农业展览馆举办。4月13日, “The 19th Chi
1998年11月15日至1998年11月18日,由中国美术家协会、版画家协会组织,在北京香山饭店召开“’98中国版画艺术研讨会”。 这次会议是围绕第十四届全国版画展所展开的一次规模