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本文报道根际区他感化学物质对小麦、玉米等作物种子萌发及幼苗生长抑制作用的研究结果。土壤及土壤溶液样品提取物,用GC及GC-MS鉴定出各类化合物50多种。重点研究有代表性的3种化合物:十四烯-1、苯甲醛以及未见报道的,由作者鉴定出的他感化合物:对-叔丁基苯甲酸。结果表明,十四烯-1在浓度达2000mg/l时,对玉米、小麦、田菁、稗子的种子萌发,幼根及幼芽生长均无明显影响;苯甲醛浓度在200mg/l以上时表现出对试验种子萌发及幼苗生长有抑制作用;对-叔丁基苯申酸在100mg/l时就对试验种子有显著抑制作用,并且随浓度增加抑制效果越强烈,在500mg/l时,小麦,玉米的萌发率,分别为对照的41%及7%,根生长分别为对照的5.6%及3.5%。并且,它严重抑制了幼苗生长。对-叔丁基苯甲酸和苯甲醛对试验作物种子用t0.01检验,表明当浓度大于100mg/l时与对照比,差异很显著。此外,他感化合物在小于50mg/l低浓度时,对作物种子有一定刺激作用。 This article reports on the rhizosphere area of ​​his chemical substances on wheat, corn and other crops seed germination and seedling growth inhibition results. Soil and soil solution sample extracts, GC and GC-MS identified more than 50 kinds of compounds. Focused on three typical compounds: tetradecene-1, benzaldehyde and his previously identified compound, p-tert-butylbenzoic acid, which has not been reported. The results showed that when the concentration of tetradecene was 2000mg / l, there was no significant effect on the seed germination, young root and sprout growth of corn, wheat, Sesbania, and barnyardgrass. When the concentration of benzaldehyde was above 200mg / l Out of the experimental seed germination and seedling growth inhibition; p-tert-butyl benzene acid at 100mg / l had significant inhibitory effect on the test seed, and inhibit the effect with increasing concentration the more intense, at 500mg / l, wheat , The germination rate of corn were 41% and 7% of the control respectively, and the root growth was 5.6% and 3.5% respectively of the control. And, it severely inhibits seedling growth. P-tert-Butylbenzoic acid and benzaldehyde on the test crop seeds t0.01 test showed that when the concentration is greater than 100mg / l compared with the control, the difference is significant. In addition, he felt the compounds at a concentration of less than 50mg / l, the crop seeds have a certain stimulating effect.
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