今年以来。中国歌剧研究会与中国剧协等联合,在繁荣歌剧事业上做了大量工作: 一、为文化部主办的“5·1”,“7·1”等活动,献礼演出的歌剧《海蓬花》、《桃花渡》、《故乡人》、《木棉花开了》、《马桑树》、《焦裕禄》、《江姐》、《马可·波罗》、《归去来》及中国歌剧舞剧院演出的《江姐》、《洪湖赤卫队》片断等,召开了座谈会。与会者和演出团同志通过对演出剧目进行中肯、细致的品评和赏析,充分肯定作品在思想艺术上取得的主要成就。二、组织撰写评论文章,分别在首都及上海的报刊杂志上发表。三、为纪念党的七十周年诞辰,中国歌剧研究会与中国剧协等九单位联合召开了学术讨论会。与会者认为:没有中国共产党的领导和关怀,就没有中国的新歌剧。《白毛女》等一系列优秀歌剧,曾在革命战争和社会主义建设时期的社会文化生活中大放异采,在我党领导的革命斗争历史上起着
since this year. The Chinese Opera Research Association, in cooperation with the Chinese Opera Association, has done a great deal of work in the prosperous opera industry. First, the opera “Hydrangea Flower”, which is sponsored by the Ministry of Culture such as “5.1” and “7.1” Peach Blossom, Hometown, Kapok Blossoms, Mulberry, Jiao Yulu, Jiang Jie, Marco Polo, Go Return and Chinese Opera and Dance Theater performances “Jiang Jie”, “Honghu Red Guard” fragment, held a forum. Attendees and performing troupes fully affirmed the major achievements made in the work of thought through artful and meticulous commentary and appreciation of performances. Second, the organization wrote review articles, respectively, in the capital and Shanghai newspapers and magazines published. Third, to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the birth of the party, the Chinese Opera Research Association and the Chinese Opera Association and other nine units held a joint seminar. The participants thought: Without the leadership and care of the Chinese Communist Party, there will be no new Chinese opera. A series of excellent operas such as “White-Haired Girl” were radically different in the social and cultural life during the revolutionary war and socialist construction and played a part in the history of the revolutionary struggle led by our party