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我叫陈仕信,1998年11月,我作为一个普通农民和非党候选人,当选为湖北省南漳县第十四届人大代表,不知不觉在人大工作岗位上已度过了5个春秋。5年来,我努力行使代表职权,认真履行代表义务,积极发挥代表作用,连续4年被县人大常委会评为“优秀人大代表”,连年被县委、县政府和镇委、镇政府授予“科技致富带头人”、“养蚕大户”等称号。依法监督权为民“人民选我当代表,我当代表为人民”。5年来,我依法行使宪法、法律赋予的职权,代人民执掌权柄,表人民甘苦喜忧。2002年底,镇人大组织代表评议部 My name is Chen Shixin. In November 1998, as an ordinary peasant and non-party candidate, I was elected as the 14th National People’s Congress Representative of Nanzhang County in Hubei Province. I’ve spent 5 years in the National People’s Congress work unknowingly. Over the past five years, I have tried my best to exercise my delegacy, conscientiously fulfill my duties as a delegate and played an active role as a representative. For four consecutive years, I was named as “outstanding people’s deputies” by the county people’s congress standing committee. In recent years, Get rich leader “,” sericulture big “and so on. To supervise the people according to law, ”people choose the current representative of the people, and I represent the people for the people." In the past five years, I exercised the power of the Constitution and laws as prescribed by law and took the authority of the people on behalf of the people. The end of 2002, the town people’s Congress on behalf of the Department of Evaluation
万福海在梅河口市(原海龙县)历任东线总兵站教导员、区委书记、县委组织部长、县委副书记,1983年从县人大常委会主任的岗位上离休,2003年6月29日因病去世,终年82岁。 万福海
这是一个军人的家庭,夫妻双方分别就职于兰州军区总医院 MR 室和肿瘤科。这是一个革命的家庭,夫妻双方均为中共党员,均生长在革命军人的家庭。李晋川和张红大学是同窗,是好
通过调查资料,分析滨州地区平原水库建设管理中较为典型的经验与不足,肯定了平原水库为解决平原贫水区所发挥的巨大作用。 Through the survey data, this paper analyzes the
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