转观念 敢改革 强管理——对发展郊县联社工业的几点思考

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我市联社系统现有职工6万多人,资产总额约50亿元,1996年底总产值35.4亿元。联社工业在80年代曾一度辉煌,为我市的经济发展和社会进步作出了重要贡献。进入90年代以来,面对激烈的市场经济竞争,联社工业整体素质的不适应性越来越明显地表现出来,面临着很多困难和矛盾,突出表现在:思想观念滞后,在发展经济上放不开手脚;企业规模偏小,竞争能力比较弱,产业结构不尽合理,产品档次低;经济管理水平不高,机制僵化较为严重;再就业实施艰难,就业矛盾加剧;企业资产负债率偏高,企业负担加重。这些情况说明,县属企业自身的素质状况与新形势的要求不相适应,已成为制约县属企业发展与提高的突出矛盾。 我们还看到:在新的形势下,联社企业面临严峻的挑战。最大的挑战来自市场。随着市场竞争的日益激烈,我们的企业不仅产品的品种、质量、价格缺乏竞争优势,而且营销手段和方法也不适应市场竞争的要求。产品的竞争归根到底是科技含量的竞争,现代科学技术日新月异,高新技术 There are more than 60,000 employees in the city’s public-relations system, with total assets of about 5 billion yuan. At the end of 1996, the total output value was 3.54 billion yuan. The Associated Society Industry was once brilliant in the 1980s and made important contributions to the city’s economic development and social progress. Since entering the 1990s, in the face of fierce market economic competition, the unsuitability of the overall quality of the Associated Society has become more and more pronounced, and it faces many difficulties and contradictions, which are manifested in the following: lagging ideological concepts and economic development We have no hands and feet; small-scale enterprises, weak competitiveness, unreasonable industrial structure, low product quality; low level of economic management and rigid mechanism; re-employment is difficult to implement, employment conflicts are intensified; corporate asset-liability ratio is high , The company’s burden is increasing. These circumstances indicate that the quality of the county-owned enterprises is incompatible with the requirements of the new situation and has become a prominent contradiction that restricts the development and improvement of county-owned enterprises. We also see that in the new situation, the joint venture company faces severe challenges. The biggest challenge comes from the market. With the increasingly fierce competition in the market, our company lacks competitive advantages in terms of product variety, quality, and price, and marketing methods and methods do not meet the requirements of market competition. In the final analysis, the competition of products is the competition of technological content. Modern science and technology are changing with each passing day.