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甲、人民政府为什么征收农业税?人民交税是为了谁?一、农业税是国家财政的一项主要收入,是稳定物价,保证财政收支平衡,发展生产建设的重要物质基础,过去国民党反动派,几十年来施行卖国独裁统治,搜刮人民资财,饱己私囊,滥发纸币,制造物价膨胀,致城市工商业凋敝,农村破产,人民生活陷于贫困悲惨的绝境,而我中央人民政府,自去年十月成立,时间仅仅一年,全国物价即告稳定,广大人民安居乐业,不再受物价膨胀的威胁,这是中央人民政府的正确领导,实行了全国财经统一,也说明了人民政府征税真正是「取之于民,用之于民」的。这与国民党反动派肆意的搜刮人民,维护其少数 A. Why is the People’s Government Levying Agricultural Tax? Who is the tax-paying people? 1. The agricultural tax is a major revenue of the state finance and is an important material basis for stabilizing prices and ensuring a balanced budget and developing production. In the past, the Kuomintang reactionaries, Since the implementation of the dictatorship of the secessionist countries over the past decade, people’s capital has been ransacked, people have been sacking their money, banknotes have been spilled out of their hands, prices have soared, the industry and commerce have been slumped in the cities, bankruptcy in rural areas and the people’s lives have been tragically ended in poverty. My Central People’s Government, which was established last October, , The time is only a year, the national price is stable, the vast number of people live and work in peace and contentment, no longer subject to the threat of price inflation, which is the correct leadership of the Central People’s Government, the implementation of the national financial unity, but also shows that the people’s government tax is really “ To the people, to use for the people. ” This is in vain with the Kuomintang reactionaries in wantonly seeking the people and safeguarding their minority
宋人使乐婴齐告急于晋,晋侯欲救之.伯宗曰:“不可.古人有言曰:‘虽鞭之长,不及马腹.’天方授楚,未可与争.虽晋之强,能违天乎?” The Song Dynasty makes the baby Yingqi a
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心理效应是社会生活当中较常见的心理现象和规律,是某种人物或事物的行为或作用,引起其他人物或事物产生相应变化的 Psychological effects are the more common psychologi