女婴14月,因发育迟缓5个月入院,胸部X线片显示重度骨质缺损。体检见右上颌部于尖牙上方有2.5cm直径之硬性肿物,无压痛。患儿前囟5×3 cm,腕及踝关节增宽。化验血液:尿素氮70mg/dl,肌酐2.0mg/dl,钙7.1 mg/dl,甲状旁腺素3,900pg/dl。病变部位X线可见一边界不清的弥漫性透光区。掌骨及胸骨处有骨吸收。镜下可见良性成纤维细胞及许多蜂窝样病变。根据上述材料考虑为继发性甲状旁腺机能亢进引起的广泛骨吸收。经保守疗法三周无效,而行甲状旁腺切除并进行自家移植,术后一个月肿瘤渐消。基于病史,考虑棕色瘤是由于肾衰继发的甲
Baby girl 14 months, due to stunting 5 months admission, chest X-ray showed severe bone defects. See the right upper jaw at the top of the canine above the 2.5cm diameter hard tumors, no tenderness. Children with anterior fontanel 5 × 3 cm, wrist and ankle widened. Blood tests: urea nitrogen 70mg / dl, creatinine 2.0mg / dl, calcium 7.1 mg / dl, parathyroid hormone 3,900pg / dl. X-ray lesions showed a diffuse diffuse clear boundary area. Metacarp and sternal bone absorption. Microscopic benign fibroblasts and many honey-like lesions. Based on these materials, consider the extensive bone resorption caused by secondary hyperparathyroidism. After three weeks of conservative treatment is invalid, and parathyroidectomy and their own transplant, one month after the tumor disappeared. Based on medical history, consider brown tumor is due to renal failure secondary to a