
来源 :宁夏教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jacklee12345678
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曾翻阅学生的周记,无意间读到这样一段话:“……我本听话。可谁知道,我的一次次不听话,都是为了证明我的存在,为了获得一次关注,哪怕是一次批评。其实,我本来就是个听话的孩子。”我惊诧了。至此这位学生的一些情况浮现在眼前:他喜欢狂打疯闹,几乎没有认认真真听过一节课,一学期还没结束课本倒丢得差不多,你批评他也无动于衰……原来,在忙忙碌碌的背后,竟有被冷落的孩子;在爱的课堂里,他竟成了闲人。学生渴望爱,爱就是春天的太阳。 After reading the student’s weekly notes, he inadvertently read a passage like this: “... I was obedient. But whoever knows that I don’t listen to words again and again is to prove my existence. To get a concern, even if it is a criticism.” Actually, I was an obedient child." I was astonished. Some of the students’ situation has now come to the fore: He likes to be mad and crazy, hardly ever seriously listened to a lesson, and hasn’t finished semester even if his textbooks are almost lost. You criticized him for not declining... It turned out that behind the hustle and bustle, there were children who had been deserted; in the classroom of love, he had become idler. Students long for love, love is the sun of spring.
1.American students are on time! It is rude to be late,and being late bothers ( 打扰) other students. If someone has to come in late, he or she will do it quiet
踏进教育的门槛,深知“学高为师,德高为范”的内涵。对教育的虔诚,对学生的大爱,该是师者“德”之最高境界。——题记 Stepping into the threshold of education, we are f
雪白的隆冬,嫩绿的新春,火红的盛夏……沿着美的踪迹,我稚嫩的心又融进了金色的秋天。 The white winter, the green spring, the fiery summer... Along the trail of beau
Review of Work in 2015In 2015,the SPC,under the strong leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China(CPC)with Comrade Xi Jinping as Genera
我们每个学生在学习或考试时,想的都是不但要得出问题的正确答案,而且还想尽可能的提高解题速度.为了达到这一目的,就必须学会找解题的突破口,本文结合 When each student i