
来源 :南京航空航天大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:PILIYADAN
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三维位移场测量的贴片云纹干涉法是用多束准直相干光同时入射到贴有全息胶片的试件表面,并记录由其相互干涉形成的三组频率不同、方向不同的全息光栅。若对试件加载前后两次曝光,可得到含有试件三维位移场(u,v,w)的三组云纹图。利用光栅衍射方向的差异,容易在三个彼此分开的方向上观察到三组云纹,由此可定量分析试件的三维位移,无需进行复杂的光学滤波处理。文中给出了严格的理论推导和实验验证。 The three-dimensional displacement field measurement of the patch moiré interferometry is the simultaneous incidence of multiple coherent coherent light onto the surface of the specimen with holographic film and the recording of three groups of holographic gratings with different frequencies and different orientations formed by their mutual interference. If the specimen is exposed twice before and after loading, three groups of moiré images containing the three-dimensional displacement field (u, v, w) of the specimen can be obtained. By using the difference of grating diffraction directions, three sets of moiré can be easily observed in three directions separated from each other, thereby quantitatively analyzing the three-dimensional displacement of the test piece without complicated optical filtering. The article gives a rigorous theoretical derivation and experimental verification.
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