Magnetic Resonance Evaluation of Transplanted Endometrial Carcinoma and Its Lymph Node Metastasis in

来源 :中国癌症研究(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ly0496lf
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Objective: To establish a rabbit model of transplanted endometrial carcinoma with lymph node metastasis and observe its magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) features. Methods: VX2 tumor grafts were orthotopically embedded in the endometrium of rabbits, and 3 weeks after the transplantation, thetumor and its metastasis to the retroperitoneal lymph nodes were examined by MRI, and the signal intensities and size of the lymph nodes were compared with those of normal rabbits. Results: The orthotopic transplantation of the tumor grafts resulted in tumor growth in all the 12 recipient rabbits. The tumors infiltrated the serosa of the uterus and metastasized to the retroperitoneal lymph nodes 3 w after transplantation. MRI demonstrated that the lymph nodes of the tumor-bearing rabbits were larger in size than those of normal control rabbits, but the signal intensity of the lymph nodes was not significantly different between them. Conclusion: This transplanted endometrial carcinoma model is characterized by high success rate and similar tumor metastasis behaviors with human endometrial carcinoma, therefore may serve as a good model for testing the efficacy of contrast agents for MR lymphography.
患者男性,28岁。间断左侧腰痛3年,加重3天入院。既往有高血压病史10年,时有头晕、恶心、心悸,血压控制不佳,最高达210/150 mmHg。B超示左肾中上极实质内可见大小2.5 cm×2.3
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