
来源 :安徽省人民政府公报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lmmak
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自从中华人民共和国婚姻法公布以来,全国各地执行婚姻法已有不少的成绩。但各地发展是不平衡的。许多地区的领导机关认真向羣众宣传了婚姻法,正确地处理了婚姻纠纷,群众觉悟就大大提高,基本上摧毁了封建主义婚姻制度,树立了新民主主义婚姻制度,出现了许多互敬互爱、勤劳生产的模范夫妇和民主团结的模范家庭,在各种政治活动和经济建设事业中,发挥了积极的作用。但至今还有大部地区,由于领导机关和干部对婚姻法缺乏正确全面的了解,因而也不能严肃地、正确地宣传婚姻法与处理婚姻纠纷,甚至有些干部对执行婚姻法采取抗拒的态度,支持旧的封建恶习,干涉婚姻自由。以致在这些地区包办买卖婚姻还很流行,妇女继续受压迫、受虐待、甚至因婚姻不自由而自杀或被杀 Since the promulgation of the Marriage Law of the People’s Republic of China, there have been many achievements in implementing the Marriage Law throughout the country. However, the development in various places is not balanced. In many areas, the leading organs seriously publicized the Marriage Law to the masses, correctly handled marital disputes, raised the masses’ awareness greatly, basically destroyed the feudalist marriage system, established the new-democratic marriage system, and many mutual respect and love emerged , Model couples hard-working and model families united by democracy have played a positive role in various political activities and economic construction. However, most regions still do not have a correct and complete understanding of the Marriage Law by leading organs and cadres. Therefore, they can not seriously and correctly publicize the Marriage Law and handle marital disputes. Some cadres even take a stand against the implementation of the Marriage Law and support the old Feudal abuse, interference with freedom of marriage. As a result, the sale and purchase of marriages in these areas is still prevalent. Women continue to be oppressed, abused and even committed suicide or slain because of marital freedom
目的 分析性功能障碍与心理健康及心理控制程度的相关性.方法 将2018年1月至2019年1月我院收治的100例性功能障碍患者作为观察组,选择同一时期来我院体检的100例健康人员作为
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