
来源 :浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yaoyaoqi
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农民是推动历史变革的动力,农民问题历来是国家建设的首要问题,农民问题的核心是农民权利问题。在我国,广大农民不仅拥有和享受公民的基本权利,而且随着新农村建设和城乡统筹的深入发展,将更多地分享到改革开放的发展成果,他们的利益将得到更多的维护和扩大。回顾和展望农民权利发展的历程,有助于进一步尊重、保障和实现广大农民的各项基本权利和自由,进而推动农村和谐社会的建设。1.发展历程。农民权利的获得与党和国家政策演变密不可分,这一演化进程可分为四个阶段:以人民公社制度为平台,以农民的当家做主和政治参与为核心的阶段;“放权”给农民,以发挥农民的主体性为核心的 Farmers are the driving force behind the historical changes. The peasants ’problem has always been the primary issue for the nation’s construction. At the core of the peasant’s problem is the issue of peasants’ rights. In our country, the vast majority of peasants not only own and enjoy the basic rights of citizens, but also share more the fruits of reform and opening up with the new rural construction and the further development of urban and rural areas, and their interests will be more maintained and expanded . Looking back and looking forward to the development of peasants’ rights help to further respect, guarantee and realize the fundamental rights and freedoms of the vast number of peasants so as to promote the building of a harmonious society in rural areas. 1. Development process. The acquisition of peasants ’rights is inextricably linked with the evolution of party and state policies. This evolutionary process can be divided into four stages: the stage of the people’s commune system as the platform and the peasants’ masters and political participation as the core stage; and “decentralization” to peasants , To give play to the subjectivity of peasants as the core