The Affordable Care Act: Disparities in emergency department use for mental health diagnoses in youn

来源 :World Journal of Emergency Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:elrshay
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BACKGROUND: There is little consensus as to the effects of insurance expansion on emergency department(ED) utilization for mental health purposes. We aimed to study the race specifi c association between the dependent coverage provision of the Affordable Care Act(ACA) and changes in young adults’ usage of emergency department services for psychiatric diagnoses.METHODS: We utilized a Quasi-Experimental analysis of ED use in California from 2009–2011 for behavioral health diagnoses of individuals aged 19 to 31 years. Analysis used a difference-indifferences approach comparing those targeted by the ACA dependent provision(19–25 years) and those who were not(27 to 31 years), evaluating changes in ED visit rates per 1 000 in California. Primary outcomes measured included the quarterly ED visit rates with any psychiatric diagnosis. Subgroups were analyzed for differences based on race and gender.RESULTS: The ACA dependent provision was associated with 0.05 per 1 000 people fewer psychiatric ED visits among the treatment group(19–25 years) compared to the control group(27–31 years). Hispanics and Asian/Pacific Islanders were the only racial subgroups who did not see this significant reduction and were the only racial subgroups that did not see significant gains in the proportion of psychiatric ED visits covered by private insurance.CONCLUSION: The ACA dependent provision was associated with a modest reduction in the growth rate of ED use for psychiatric reasons, however, racial disparities in the effect of this provision exist for patients of Hispanic and Asian/Pacifi c Islander racial groups. BACKGROUND: There is little consensus as to the effects of insurance expansion on emergency department (ED) utilization for mental health purposes. We aimed to study the race specifi c association between the dependent coverage provision of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and changes in young adults’ usage of emergency department services for psychiatric diagnoses. METHODS: We utilized a Quasi-Experimental analysis of ED use in California from 2009-2011 for behavioral health diagnoses of individuals aged 19 to 31 years. Analysis used a difference-indifferences approach comparing those targeted by the ACA dependent provision (19-25 years) and those who were not (27 to 31 years), evaluating changes in ED visit rates per 1,000 in California. Primary goal measured included the quarterly ED visit rates with any psychiatric diagnosis . Subgroups were analyzed for differences based on race and gender .RESULTS: The ACA dependent provision was associated with 0.05 per 1 000 people fewer psychiat ric ED visits among the treatment group (19-25 years) compared to the control group (27-31 years). Hispanics and Asian / Pacific Islanders were the only racial subgroups who did not see this significant reduction and were the only racial subgroups that did not see significant gains in the proportion of psychiatric ED visits covered by private insurance. CONCLUSION: The ACA dependent provision was associated with a modest reduction in the growth rate of ED use for psychiatric reasons, however, racial disparities in the effect of this provision exist for patients of Hispanic and Asian / Pacifi c Islander racial groups.
BACKGROUND: To evaluate the outcome of cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CPR) in out-ofhospital cardiac arrests(OHCA) in India and factors infl uencing the outcome.
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