Component fractionation of wood-tar by column chromatography with the packing material of silica gel

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:grindswods
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Bio-oil can be an important fuel resource for automobiles in the future,while its complex composition restricts the direct application of the bio-oil extremely.So it is necessary to separate the complex mixture to relatively simplified fractions for goal directed specific treatments to reach the fuel quality for automobiles,and meanwhile different functional chemical materials and fine chemicals can be obtained.So it is significant to investigate the bio-oil component separating methods.Herein the method of column chromatography by the packing material of silica gel with two series of eluants of cyclohexane-benzene-methanol and cyclohexane-dichloromethane-methanol were investigated for component fractionation of the raw wood tar (oil fraction of the liquid product by slow pyrolysis of wood).The analytical results show that the components in cyclohexane are rich in alkoxyl-monophenols;the components of alkyl-monophenols and five ring oxygen-containing compounds are abundant in benzene and in dichloromethane similarly;in the methanol fraction,the components are diverse and diphenols are relatively in higher content,comparatively small polar molecules and five ring oxygen-containing compounds are more abundant in the methanol fraction after being eluted by dichloromethane,and the content of 1-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-2-propanone is higher after being eluted by benzene. Bio-oil can be an important fuel resource for automobiles in the future, while its complex composition restricts the direct application of the bio-oil extremely. So it is necessary to separate the complex mixture to the more simplified fractions for goal directed specific treatments to reach the fuel quality for automobiles, and meanwhile different functional chemical materials and fine chemicals can be obtained. So it is significant to investigate the bio-oil component separating methods. Herein the method of column chromatography by the packing material of silica gel with two series of eluants of cyclohexane-benzene-methanol and cyclohexane-dichloromethane-methanol were investigated for component fractionation of the raw wood tar (oil fraction of the liquid product by slow pyrolysis of wood). The analytical results show that the components in cyclohexane are rich in alkoxyl -monophenols; the components of alkyl-monophenols and five ring oxygen-containing compounds are abundant in benzene a nd in similarly in similarly; in the methanol fraction, the components are diverse and diphenols are relatively in higher content, comparatively small polar molecules and five ring oxygen-containing compounds are more abundant in the methanol fraction after being eluted by dichloromethane, and the content of 1- (4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl) -2-propanone is higher after being eluted by benzene.
糖尿病足是最令病人尤其是老年病人痛苦的一种慢性并发症.本症最早是由Oakley 1956年提出的,1972年Callerall 再次明确其定义是指“糖尿病患者因 Diabetic foot is the mos
通过此次会议,与会代表一致通过中国洗协信息统计中心工作条例和组织架构,规范和增强了行业信息统计工作,为今后更好的开展工作,奠定了良好的基础。 Through this meeting,
从弗罗茨瓦夫到克拉科夫,距离不超过300公里,可我乘坐的EC列车(欧洲城市间快车)竟开了将近5个小时。尤其是火车经过卡托维茨后,速度慢得简直就像蜗牛在爬。  我在火车上闲得无聊,就研究车上悬挂的波兰铁路交通图,发现波兰的铁路线在西北和西南相当稠密,而东面就很稀疏,从铁路线就能大体猜出波兰的人口和经济中心在哪了。  在克拉科夫,我住在波兰同学亚娜家里。她家在钢厂区,距离克拉科夫老城还挺远。其实在东欧