深入批邓 促进卫生革命

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在毛主席无产阶级革命路线指引下,在省委和各级党委一元化领导下,我省卫生战线批邓、反击右倾翻案风的斗争步步深入,卫生革命蓬勃发展,形势一派大好。在批邓、反击右倾翻案风斗争的推动下,在党中央两项英明决议的鼓舞下,各地党委进一步加强了对卫生革命的领导,满腔热情地支持卫生战线社会主义新生事物的成长。卫生战线学习马列和毛主席著作的群众运动深入发展,理论队伍不断壮大;各级卫生部门的领导干部,带头学,带头批,提高了以阶级斗争为纲,坚持党的基本路线的自觉性,坚持用无产阶级政治统帅卫生业务,坚持“把医疗卫生工作的重点放到农村去”,全省农村兴办合作医疗的大队已经达到百分之九十二,有一批人民公社的各大队全部实行合作医疗,社员全部加入合作医疗,在医药费全部从合作医疗报销的基础上,实行了以大队为基础的社队联办合作医疗制度。赤脚医生队伍更加发展壮大,现在已经达到四万三千多人,很多地方办起了赤脚医生大学,“七·二一”卫校,培训提高赤脚医生;广大赤脚医生正在亦农亦医,又红又专的道路上胜利 Guided by Chairman Mao’s proletarian revolutionary line and under the unified leadership of the provincial party committees and party committees at all levels, the struggle in our province on the front of the PLA in the field of health was going further step by step. The revolution in health revolutions flourished and the situation was fantastic. Inspired by the two wise resolutions of the party Central Committee, the party committees around the country have further strengthened their leadership over the health revolution and enthusiastically supported the growth of socialism’s new life in the health front under the impetus of criticizing the right to overthrow the typhoon. The health movement has learned in depth the development of the mass movement in the writings of Marxism-Leninism-Head Menscholars and Chairman Mao and the continual expansion of the theoretical ranks. Leading cadres at all levels of the health sector have taken the lead in taking the lead and have approached them with criticism. They have raised awareness of using the class struggle as the key link and upholding the party’s basic line, Adhere to the proletarian political command of the health business, adhere to the “focus of medical and health work to go to the countryside”, the province’s rural cooperative medical establishment of the brigade has reached 92%, a group of people’s communes all the teams to implement the cooperation Medical institutions and members all joined the cooperative medical system. On the basis of all the medical expenses reimbursed from the cooperative medical institutions, the cooperative medical system was set up jointly by the brigades and the communes based on brigades. Barefoot doctors team has grown stronger and has now reached more than 43,000 people. Many places have set up Barefoot Doctors University and “Sept. 21” health clinics to train and raise barefoot doctors. The majority of barefoot doctors are also working on agriculture and medicine and red Again on the road to victory
文章篇名期页      矿产资源管理大力推进探矿权采矿权市场建设提高矿产资源保护与合理利用水平 11与时俱进 ,开拓创新 ,做好矿产开发管理工作 15岚山矿业权市场建设调
本研究探讨了大一新生时间管理倾向与学业自我效能感的关系.采用了《青少年时间管理倾向》和《学业自我效能感》两个量表,针对贵州师范学院237 名不同专业的大一新生进行了时
中国政府对于本国经济一直以来都有着非常强的影响力,并且如众所学者所认同的那样,即便是中国的对外开放以及国有企业改革也并没有弱化政府对于本国经济的干预。  近些年,私营
1 前言rn古代社会精英阶层或上层社会的人们在活着的时候享受了物质方面的荣华富贵,满足了自己精神方面的欲望.这些人和普通百姓是不同的,他们的欲望是无限的,对自己生前的享
目的:观察和分析脂联素(ADPN)及脂联素受体(adipo R)在乳腺癌中的表达及其与临床病理特征的相关性。方法:选取60例乳腺癌患者作为病例组,选取30例良性乳腺疾病患者作为对照组