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去年油荒的阴影尚未散尽,今年,就又迎来了自去年以来的第六次油价的调高。油价调整最直接的原因是,解决成品油与原油价格倒挂的问题。我国原油价格已基本和国际市场接轨,只是时间滞后一个月,但成品油价格仍是计划调控。去年,最后一次调整成品油价格是在5月份,自此之后,国际原油价格又有30%的上涨,但国内成品油价格一直未变。导致的结果是,产油与炼油行业苦乐不均。像中石油这样以原油开采为主的公司去年大赚1334亿元,而以炼化销售占大头的中石化却严重亏损,以至于国家给予其 100亿元的财政补贴。油价调整的国际背景是,按照WTO协议,我国成品油的批发和零售市场将在2006年底全面开放,国内外成品油的巨大价差,将给国际资本带来无风险的套利空间。目前进口石油已占我国石油消费的40%以上, 从国际市场进口高价原油,加工为成品油,然后以低于国际市场数百元的价格卖到国外,不仅造成巨大的损失,而且还会进一步加剧油荒。所以,国内油价与国际接轨是早晚的事。就是说, 油价上涨是不可避免的趋势。但是,油价又牵动整个国民经济的神经,任何变动波及范围都将覆盖全社会。所以,国家在油价调整方面的步伐始终是慎之又慎,其中考虑最多的是社会弱势群体的承受力。为此,各种与此相关的调整政策相继出台。虽然上述所有政策还尚待进一步细化,但方向却是非常明确了的——我国已处在一个高油价的时代。 Last year, the shadow of oil shortage has not yet cleared up this year, ushered in the sixth since last year, the oil price increase. The most direct reason for the oil price adjustment is to solve the problem of the price of refined oil and crude oil going upside down. The price of crude oil in our country has basically been in line with the international market, only a month behind the time, but the price of refined oil is still regulated by the plan. Last year, the price of refined oil was last adjusted in May. Since then, the price of international crude oil has risen another 30%. However, the domestic refined oil prices have not changed. As a result, the oil and oil refining industries are not happy. Last year, the company that exploited crude oil like PetroChina made a big gain of 133.4 billion yuan while Sinopec, which is dominated by refining and petrochemical sales, suffered a serious loss so much that the country gave it 10 billion yuan in financial subsidies. The international background of the oil price adjustment is that according to the WTO agreement, the wholesale and retail markets for refined oil in China will be fully liberalized by the end of 2006. The huge spread of refined oil products at home and abroad will bring risk-free arbitrage space to international capital. At present, oil imports have accounted for over 40% of China’s oil consumption. Importing high-priced crude oil from the international market and processing into refined oil products and selling them at a price below the international market by several hundred yuan not only caused huge losses but also further Exacerbated oil shortage. Therefore, the domestic oil prices with the international standards is a matter sooner or later. In other words, rising oil prices is an inevitable trend. However, the price of oil affects the nerves of the entire national economy. Any changes in the scope of coverage will cover the entire society. Therefore, the pace of the country in oil price adjustment has always been cautious, of which the most considered is the affordability of the social vulnerable groups. For this reason, various related adjustment policies have been promulgated. Although all the above policies have yet to be further refined, the direction is very clear - China is in an era of high oil prices.
2006年7月12日当地时间18点45分,哈萨克斯坦通过管道供给中国的首批石油顺利流到中国西北部的新疆维吾尔自治区。中哈石油管道长960km,总造价大约合7亿美 At 12:45 local ti
This paper investigates some of the ways that Chinese medicine has been transferred to the Western world and to Islamic territories. During the Golden Age of Is
有位用户来信问,他驾驶的铁牛-55C 拖拉机的机油滤清器至机油散热器的油管震裂,怕将机油漏完就用棉纱将油管堵死,结果没走多久就发生了柴油机曲轴抱瓦的事故。他问堵死去散