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随着我国社会主义市场经济不断发展,一方面建筑行业逐渐成为我国市场经济的重要组成部分,另一方面建筑行业也面临着来自能源问题、环境问题等方面的挑战,建筑设计理念亟需进行革新。本文从绿色建筑设计与全寿命周期的概述入手,分析了面向全寿命周期的绿色建筑设计的设计原则与设计流程。 With the continuous development of China’s socialist market economy, on the one hand, the construction industry has gradually become an important part of China’s market economy. On the other hand, the construction industry is also facing challenges from the energy and environmental issues. The concept of architectural design is in urgent need of innovation . This article begins with an overview of green building design and full life cycle, and analyzes the design principles and design flow of green building design for the whole life cycle.
研究了碱矿渣-黏土复合胶凝材料(alkali-activated slag-clay composite cementitious material,AASCM)水化物粉体对模拟放射性核素Cs+的吸附性能及其影响因素.将AASCM水化物
Recently, pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) was demonstrated to be high in antioxidant activity and strong in phenolic, flavonoid and tannin contents in its frui
“Trick or treat?”(意为“不给糖就捣蛋”。)是的,万圣节快到了。我们都喜爱围在劈啪作响的火堆旁讲一个精彩的恐怖故事,但为什么不首先动身去体验这一刺激感和恐怖感呢?我
本文通过例子说明了《危险房屋鉴定标准》(JGJ 125-2016)中个别条文在应用中存在的一些问题。随着《危险房屋鉴定标准》(JGJ 125-2016)于2016年12月1日实施及广泛应用,某些条
The aim of this study is to investigate in vitro antioxidant activities and the phytochemical screening endophytes. Seven different endophytic fungi were isolat
我们知道汽车并不是被一 个发明家在一天里就发明出来 的。汽车的历史反映了其在全 世界的发展,据估计,超过十万 项发明专利才造就出现代的汽 车。然而,我们可以指出历史进 程中
任何经济活动都离不开某一特定空间,不管其发展水平如何.最终都能在某一特定空间上找到它的“影子”,这种经济活动与特定空间的结合,就产生了区域经济(Regionad Economics)。区域