Xinhua News Agency Social Newspaper and Publications recently made a public commitment to the community, decided from June 1 to stop the image display special pages and columns. This commitment of Xinhua News Agency is a concrete measure to further implement the self-discipline convention of the major news units of the Central Government, consolidate the achievements of the “three learning and education activities” and maintain the brand image of the Xinhua News Agency’s social press. At the same time, “People’s Daily”, “Guangming Daily” and many other newspapers also made this commitment. In recent years, some newspapers and periodicals have set up special editions and columns of image ads for economic benefits and have good market conditions. According to the circulation of newspapers, reputation, layout order, the location of the size of “price tag.” Some newspapers and periodicals have also set up “image advertising department” or “special issue department” and other departments and offices, specializing in image advertising.