
来源 :摩托车 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:suqingcsj
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随着摩托车技术水平和消费者消费水平的不断提高,消费者对摩托车的动力性、经济性和使用范围提出了更加严格的要求,促使摩托车发动机向高转速化、多缸化、多气门化发展,仅采用传统的风冷方式已不能满足消费者的需求,在这种情况下,摩托车厂家开发了液冷(水冷和油冷)发动机,下面对发动机冷却方式的演变和发展趋势作一探讨,以期为我国摩托车发动机的开发提供一些思路。 With the continuous improvement of the technical level of motorcycles and consumers’ consumption level, consumers have put more stringent demands on the motivity, economy and use range of motorcycles, urging motorcycles to rotate at high speed, multi-cylinder, and more Valve development, only the traditional way of air cooling has been unable to meet consumer demand, in this case, the motorcycle manufacturers to develop liquid-cooled (water and oil-cooled) engine, the following engine cooling mode of evolution and development A trend to explore, with a view to the development of China’s motorcycle engine to provide some ideas.
探讨自激振荡机理,着重分析了石油钻井用泥浆泵的泵阀和透平机旁通减压阀中的自激振荡的产生原因及其消除途径. In this paper, the mechanism of self-oscillation is disc
PolyethyleneIn early March 2009, the supply of PE(polyethylene) in domestic market wassufficient, PE prices continued to decrease.From mid-March to late March,
North China Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.(SH:600812)is located in Shijiazhuang, the capital of Hebei province, and was founded in1992. Its main productions include
North China Pharmaceutical is now moving its factories in the urbanareas of Shijiazhuang City to the development zone in rural areas.Along with the relocation,
本文提出了一种圆弧插补的改进算法,它通过构选新的偏差判别式和递推式,不仅算法简单,计算机执行速度快,且提高了圆弧插补精度,在CAD和数控加工中有一定的适用价值。 In this paper,
通过对加油站投资进行科学的可行性研究分析,为正确决策,把握良好的投资机会,回避投资的不确定风险提供了比较可靠的参考依据。 Through the scientific feasibility study