
来源 :学校体育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xsb
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前一个时期,学校体育界都在议论学校体育的理论地位与实际地位的反差问题。这种反差大致有两种不同的表现。一种是,我们党提出的德智体全面发展的教育方针,为学校体育奠定了应有的理论地位,但由于我们的教育政策还不完善,学校体育受到了诸如片面追求升学率等倾向的冲击,因而造成实际地位的低下。如今国家教委正在采取必要的措施,如把体育列入学生毕业、升学考试科目等,逐步完善有关政策,以保证学校体育应有的地位。另一种是,有那么一些领导人,写文章、发文件、作报告,夸夸其谈,把学校体育的地位简直捧上了天,可是,一旦要动真格的,需要他们切切实实地做点工作,帮助解决一点实际困难,却就换成另一付面孔和另一 The previous period, the school sports community are talking about the contrast between the theoretical status and the actual status of school sports. There are roughly two different manifestations of this contrast. One is that our party’s education policy of “moral, intellectual and all-round development” laid down by our Party has laid a proper theoretical position for school sports. However, due to our imperfect education policy, school sports are subjected to such tendencies as the one-sided pursuit of enrollment rate Impact, resulting in the actual status of the low. Now the State Education Commission is taking the necessary measures, such as the inclusion of sports in students, entrance exam subjects, and gradually improve the relevant policies to ensure that the proper place of school sports. The other is that some leaders write articles, send papers, make reports and boast about the status of school sports simply to the sky. However, if they want to be real, they need to do something practical and help Solve a little practical difficulties, but replaced with another to pay the face and the other
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上海是一个移民城市,也是一个海派城市。志愿者身上体现的,正是这种移民城市的坚强、上进和努力的精神。  “在养老院有一次例行巡楼,我们带着工具准备帮老人修指甲。一位爷爷见我手里拿着修甲工具,小心地问:‘我的脚指甲也长了,你能帮我修一下吗?’得到肯定的答复之后,老爷爷伸出了脚。那时候,我真的惊呆了。他的指甲又长又厚,一看就知道是很久没有修剪过。那一瞬间我不禁想起了我的爷爷。”  “人总有衰老的时候,我